Kinda like golfing upwards. It's all about calculating trajectories and nailing the timing. But while Everybody's Golf and the like are all about playing some holes to relax and have a good time, this is the complete opposite. There's something commendable about the concept and the simplicity of it, it's almost elegant in its insidiousness. You can take whatever time you desire preparing each jump, the distance and trajectory are always the same... it would be an extremely fair game if it wasn't designed to be extremely challenging and punishing.

This is one of the better kinds of meme rage games, because there's an ever constant sense of predictability and the only thing that messes everything up... is the player itself. Because it's difficult to nail every jump, because eventually you'll lose focus, because eventually you'll become frustrated and it'll lead you to make more mistakes... but the game mechanics stay the same.

At the same time tho, it doesn't have quite the physicality of a Getting Over It nor the over the top originality and twisted sense of humor of something like I Wanna Be The Guy, so unless you really like the game's simple mechanics and want to master it, there's not a whole lot of stimuli outside your enragement seeing your character fall inconceivable amounts of height. So... yea, it's cool but also there's not much to it. It's one of those games that really benefit from a community component, seeing other people struggle the same jumps as you, screw up in the most dumb ways imaginable... it can lead to some good laughs, but so can a lot of other games with the right company.

So, yea, Imma go back to playing some golf games.

I tried to play this but it requires you to put your credit card information into a third party AI website, which is probably Top 5 things you should never do, specially not for a meme game.

The game's probably great but THOSE FUCKING LOADTIMES.

UPDATE: Special K seems to work now with this thing which improves the performance and emulation drastically (I no longer have that annoying stuttering), so yea, have some damn good Progear for 2 bucks will ya mate

1000 games registered! I've officially played too much!

Came across Material Sniper due to its comparisons to the more recent Heroine of the Sniper. I was eager to trying it out since sniper flash games were kind of a big deal back in the day, and honestly this one is kind of a banger within the sub-sub-genre. Quick missions, non-human enemies. Target practice and bomb defusing. Doesn't sound all that exciting BUT the way the game simulates bullet speed and traversal is pretty impressive for a flash game. Additionally, the 2000s anime stylization the sniper girl avatar in the left side of the screen and the cool soundtrack gives the whole thing a certain charm that I wish more game tried to replicate.

Small doujin Silent Scope-esque experience with a bit of a Material Sniper flair. It's aight.

For being this small ass game with very little budget it did some cool puzzle-sniper moments. I would love to see this formula being expanded and polished. We need more arcadey sniper games in our lives.

However, it's pretty obvious that this uses a good chunk of premade assets. Missions are short and there's only 15 of them so the game is over really quickly. I say this because at 8 bucks there's so much better options out there, I grabbed it at a discount and even then I'm less optimistic about it than I would've wished.

The most lacking of the OG Takagism series. Least ammount of room elements, very short, and the core puzzle of the room has aged A LOT, so you might not be able to beat this one at all. Also not a fan of the change in aesthetic.

Meh. Some puzzle solutions were very odd (what the hell was the deal with the safe??). And the absctract ethereal tone is replaced by a more standard Penumbresque coat of paint (notes included) with a weird ass ending.

I still somewhat enjoyed it and I do respect how they managed to keep adding layers to a single room with very few elements, it's just that it feels like they had something interesting going on but then just ran out of ideas/time and just sloppily called it quits. Only play it if you're a big fan of the original game and even then wait for a HEAVY discount.

This game makes me feel stupid.

I don't rate this higher not because it does anything necessarily wrong, but because the game is going for a "My first platformer-metroidvania" kind of experience. If you have young kids this is a great option to play together. It's a cute game.

This fucking game.

The story? Absolute bananas. I read someone call this a more apt Shadow the Hedgehog and they were absolutely spot on. It's glorious.

The gameplay? A cancelled Spiderman 4 game turned into an over the top edge-fest by the creators of Hulk Ultimate Destruction with a whiff of Crackdown. Simplistic and barbaric macro action with great traversal. You can go full unga unga in this motherfucker, but there's also the disguise mechanic from Destroy All Humans which you can use to cheese the AI.

The thing is tho, the game just starts ridiculous and it just keeps going and going until NY is completemy fucked, and it's glorious, but when you reach the climax the game kinda fumbles it with some weak bossfights and a deflating last stretch. It's like they ran out of budget or ideas.

But even if they didn't wrap it up as nice as they could have, the core game is just pure chaos and unfiltered fun and it manages to go places. Very recommended.

Minus the plot, Ke-Tsu-No-Ana is to shmups what Drakengard is for musous.

Unironically peak. It's basically Tetris The Grand Master (already GOATed) with a Cardcaptor Sakura skin (double GOATed) and some fun gimmicks to change things up. I don't know what else to say, this brings me so much joy.

What a lovely game. Surely the AI and physics won't suddenly go absolute apeshit, right?

It might be only two steps above some of those old flash games where you could do very heinous shit with little in terms of purpose, but there's something about how with silly underground comic aesthetics the game portrays a raw violence filled trip through someone's schizophrenic paranoia that just works.

It helps that it's a small game with very little in terms of filler, there's no complicated systems whatsoever, and just does its thing. Some level layouts are a bit of an uphill battle in higher difficulties and they'll make you sweat, but it ain't bad at all.

Shoutout to the title cards for each level for having some of the most dark, twisted and interesting music in gaming. Like, goddamn, the base game would be so much disturbing with those playing in the background.