It's Everybody's Golf. Pure and simple. It's like finding out your go-to restaurant has closed down only to discover it just has moved to the neighborhood next to yours. I'm a bit iffy about how content has been sorta mobile-ized with the slow character progression but everything else checks out, it's like Clap Hanz haven't skipped a beat.

Graphically it's half a step backwards but that's what happens you shift to less powerful hardware, tho to compensate there's some surprisingly good character design that mixes Pixar style models with some anime touches here and there.

I wish there was more ambient music. I wonder why they haven't hired Takeshi Abo yet, his Memories Off OSTs fit like a glove.

Hopefully this comes out on Steam. I read this was made on Unity so it shouldn't be a complicated process. Edit: Goddamit. Instead of porting this to Steam they made a completely new game........ FOR META QUEST. I HOPE THE FACEBOOK MONEY IS GOOD, BUT DAMN, I WANT TO GIVE YOU MONEY AND YET YA'LL RELEASING FOR HARDWARE I DON'T OWN 😭😭😭😭

The spiritual predecessor of SSF2 Turbo HD Remix.

I guess you could do worse, and having the arranged OST is fine, but the higher detailed sprites needed a lot more revisions. They don't look that well with the original choppy animation, everyone's skin looks so saturated and shiny in comparison with the more naturally lit backgrounds, and the sprite details seem unnaturally rounded.

Cool oddity, but I don't think there's a reason to play it nowadays having wide access to the original version through the ACA NeoGeo Archives (or the sequels)

It's difficult to rate a game that's both a shadow of its own potential and at the same time being so good in its core mechanics and game feel you can't help but go back to it.

Out of all the OG Crimson Room sequels, this is the one that I think is worth playing. It's more or less on the same level as the first game in terms of design, pacing, and straightforwardness. It even adds a little bit of story with an ending that caught me completely off guard.

I adore the game's vibe, the aesthetics, the music, the level architecture... even the story. But it's so easy and the whole campaign is such a non-challenge it's kind of a let down honestly. Give me some heat!!!

To me it seems like someone liked JSR a lot but didn't quite like playing it and in an attempt to "fix it" they just neutered both the difficulty and the weight of the movement/physics, so it ends up feeling pretty flat which is kind of a sin for a game based on movement. They went out of their way to put trick elements of THPS into the gameplay, so they KNOW, which makes me even more confused. In the end it feels like it's trying to appeal to those that prefer engaging with JSR at a distance than those that actually play the games.

It's a comfy game. Love the work that went into replicating the originals because it's spot on... but I can't see it having a lot of longevity unless they do a considerable overhaul or a sequel. I'm glad it got so much fanfare because it will send a message, but maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

Spark is cool and I do have a lot of respect towards the creator for being capable of a game this magnitude mixing Sonic and Megaman X. Whatever I say after this, it doesn't take away the fact that this is really dope.

But it struggles a lot with its level design.

The stages have a lot of space to accommodate for the different mobility options of each Spark power, but that makes it way less cohesive and it just doesn't take advantage of any power in particular. As a result, there's a severe lack of individual moments, memorable spots, or defining characteristics to most stages. You add in the fact that each stage can be incredibly long and reiterates the same design beats over and over again... and you get a game that becomes stale very quickly despite having so much rad stuff in its mechanics, style and soundtrack.

I see the ingredients for something excellent but it's half-baked in what makes everything come together. Still, I'm glad I played it. Let's see how the (sudden) jump to 3D goes.

In my 20 year experience with this game, I went from loving it, to feeling kinda meh, to dreading its existence, to feeling kinda apologetic, to loving it again. It's the Sonic Heroes experience. Just don't play Chaotix.

I wasn't gonna play this Disney Manufactured Stage Based Runner Featuring Dead Franchise (which I actually love, the first Tron movie fucks), because you look at it and you know exactly what kind of run-of-the-mill experience you're gonna get.


It's kinda sad that this is THE ONLY game with a fully-fledged OST by Giorgio Moroder (and Raney Shockne), and it's more frustrating considering the fact that it's the ideal match up: Tron, videogames and Giorgio Moroder. The stars aligned for the perfect combo and it was all for a goddamn runner. It's a disappointment on the same level as getting Daft Punk to score Tron: Legacy, a movie so forgettable I've only heard people talk about the OST.

Out of the Original Fiveâ„¢ (Tower of Druaga, Hydlide, Dragon Slayer, Gauntlet, and TLOZ), to me TLOZ is the most boring of the bunch. I tried playing the original multiple times: it didn't hit. I tried playing the Satellaview remake: I zoned out. It's not entirely its fault, because the previous Four were also flawed in some shape or form, either because of lack of direction or being obtuse. But Tower of Druaga and Gauntlet had a lot of immediacy while Hydlide and Dragon Slayer had a progression system through fun mindless grinding. Zelda has neither of those.

It's very polished for the era and whatever ideas it didn't steal from Hydlide or Tower of Druaga are cool, but it's just not as interesting as its predecessors. But sure, when it released it was the most advanced fantasy game... for about 5 months before Return of Ishtar jumped past everyone. Honestly I think The Mysterious Murasame Castle used the smooth overhead fantasy action formula much better despite its obscurity (it was released the same year by Nintendo too!!!).


Played this with a homie and we conpleted 3 out of 7 chapters. We liked the game as Saw fans and also we appreciated a lot of its mechanics and ideas believe it or not. The trap system, the solve-or-die situations, the atmosphere... There was a lot of effort put into this.

However, you can tell that either because of budgetary or time constraints, the game starts repeating the same notes again and again early on. The same type of QTEs and mini puzzles specially hurt.

When it comes to the core game, this is way better than I expected, even with some jank. The problem is that it seems they failed to iterate or expand on in.

2023 System Shock is smooth sex.

1994 System Shock is sex with a bio-mechanical deity from the Megastructure.

Sachijo's Birthday is the Corpse Party's "dream match" where every character in the series is put in the same spot for some good ol fanservice. If you only care about the regular/canon side of Corpse Party, you can skip to Blood Drive with no problem as it has no substance nor importance.

For the rest of you: Sachiko's Birthday starts strong with the shitpost levels off the roof but it quickly loses steam to the point where the majority of chapters are pretty uneventful nor fun. It briefly picks up towards the end but by then the damage has been done.

- The Prologue and Chapter 1 are the best as it's where Sachiko's Birthday is having the most fun with its characters and poking fun at Corpse Party's dumb idiosyncrasies. Lots of shitpost but in a good way.
- Chapter 2 has good intentions and a couple of good moments but it lasts way more than it has any right to.
- Chapter 3 is the most dynamic chapter with a quiz show gimmick but it's unfortunately tarnished by the presence of one character that's one step away from getting a restraining order and another one that should be in jail.
- Chapter 4 is a harem subplot. Has a couple of moments but overall it's very bottom of the barrell.
- Chapter 5 is the worst chapter by far because nothing, absolutely nothing happens. It's the characters fucking around trying to find ways to stall time and grope some boobs. It's so lazy I'm amazed this is part of a commercial product.
- Chapter 6 picks up a bit with a cooking contest and it's... not bad. It has a couple of good moments but the pacing feels overly stretched out.
- Chapter 7 finally does something creative and it's a whole "anything goes" chapter with a ton of references to oldschool horror. Pacing still feels too stretched out but it's the most creative chapter by far.
- Chapter 8 is the closer episode and it's well paced, well written, gets in, does its thing, and then ends. It's the only chapter written by Kedouin, I honestly wish he was more involved in the project because even if he isn't a great writer, he knows how to properly pace a VN segment.
- The Extra Chapter... I'm not even gonna pretend like I care about anything that's going on, it's the only "serious" chapter of the whole experience and it's quite a mess when it comes to character writing. Not a fan.

Overall the impression I get from all of this is that it was gonna be some kind of Drama CD or fandisc that somehow got the VN treatment using (mostly) assets from Book of Shadows. Even with the low bar of this being a fandisc in disguise I think it's still meh at best, I don't think I will go back to it. And not because this is on a radical different tone, I think when the game finally decides to do some whacky shit it's entertaining, but most of the time it's just filler character interactions.

Will leave a comment here. 20 euros is a bit much, but this is a game designed by a 3D Flickies' Island for fans of 3D Flickies' Island fans.

If you love 3D, this might be one of your highlights of the year. If you don't, I don't think you'll enjoy it. I'm a bit in the middle. It's better than 3D just for the mere fact that it doesn't seem to have collect-a-thon elements, it's all about getting to the finish line.

It has its own control idiosyncrasies. It seems to be made with a DPAD in mind, and getting used to the sprint mechanic is a bit weird a first. However I had fun with the demo and I respect games designed with a very specific niche in mind. Will get back to it when it goes on sale.


Short and very fun flight-a-thon! I didn't expect to get so much out of a free game but I ain't complaining.

Every SNK game that used the rotatory stick has been given then dual stick treatment and as such they've become the definitive version to play these. Having played them in the past, I can assure you that not even emulation can give you what's presented here.

The rest of the games play as they should, there's a decent ammount of extra materials, and there's even the console version of the games that have them.

One of the best compilations in recent years.