43 Reviews liked by cheebe_doges

Really disappointing for a first party Nintendo game, but it did lead me to discover Rune Factory so it was worth it

Incapable of separating this game and its source material from the TF2 fan-fiction version that I read when I was sixteen.

this series gave me brain damage

Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food

I’ll never understand why this was called mario kart 7 when it could’ve just been Mario kart 3D

iunno why i begged my mom to buy this for me as a child

i didn't like this game i think samus should go away again

what the FUCK is going on

My mom forbid me to play this game when I was like 12 years old.
I used to think it was because it was violent but nowadays I think it was because it sucks.