43 Reviews liked by cheebe_doges

I click the tiddy but milky doesn't drop why????????



man wtf going on in cleveland ohio

miku ate a whole steak in 3 bites

A short simple game about stacking cards to generate cards to sell to buy more cards. If you like skinner-boxy reward loops this game is a nice short diversion, and I enjoyed the initial phase of experimenting, exploring and expanding. I find these games without distinct phases bring out a compulsive tendency in me where I'll just play on and on getting more and more tired, pushing towards an end that isn't coming. I think I'd have enjoyed Stacklands a lot more if there were clearer points to stop a session and come back later.

The game dragged toward the end, especially when I got onto the island content. Apparently the island is an update, sort of Free-LC, and I think it might be more fun for returning players. Without a break it just felt like an additional chunk of time wasting before reaching a similar climax. By that point everything had become incredibly messy, the screen flooded with cards that bounced about and disorganised themselves, pipelines of farm > stove > messhall that nevertheless required manual input at every step, and a large, unsearchable menu of recipes. Some QoL upgrades could go a long way.

If you don't spend too long stuck at the end it's a nice short game, but the last couple of hours soured me on the experience.

This review was written before the game released

This shit is never gonna get made

what no poker night 3 does to a mf

The most tedious experience ever

You just repeat the same thing over and over and over and over again! It's fun for the first hour or two. Then that's it.