Been addicted to this game for weeks as soon as I got it, it's so fun just to make levels and ponder about level design. The 100+ are also great, it's basically a whole standard mario game even without the making.

Sadly it does become stale, but that's what the levels are for, and of course you have an endless supply from other people making them.

I really like just how interesting it is to solve crimes, it's almost addicting for some reason, especially with the interesting game mechanics. Thought it's kind of weird that I haven't failed so far, it should be a realistic outcome if I make enough mistakes, which I think I had at times. Also a lack of focus is not really my thing, I know barely anything about the main character for example, or what his actual goals are.

Basically this is like all those crime-solving shows or whatever, just so much cooler to do, but definitely not blowing you out of the water either because when it comes to story it's much more similar.

This is simply a fun game, but I don't have anything unique to say about it. It's great still but, idk, just nothing I'd really talk about with someone.

I really love playing this game, it's awesome for pretty much anyone. It's just that it requires a lot of commitment to it's systems. I love it for the experience of a nice and interesting story mode and infinitely repayable online mode that I can just jump into right away, but you feel a bit behind sometimes simply because you aren't devoting a lot of your time toward the game.


It's simply too hard for me, but obviously it's a quality experience, I loved it.

The level design is insanely fun, and I like the difficulty not being too easy. Kind of the perfect 2D platformer, there isn't much more that can be done to make a better one.

Really tried to enjoy it, but it's simply too difficult for me. It's still a good game obviously

It's fun, but gets very repetitive, and the story is the kind that should be masked by the gameplay, but without that it's pretty mediocre.

This game would be so good if it weren't this ridiculously buggy, and the story just gets worse and worse as you play.


Very interesting concept that's fun at first, but the gameplay is just so boring, and the story isn't that interesting either

At first it was interesting and uniquely fun, but it got stale pretty quickly.

The story is kind of typical, and it seems to be trying to copy Portal a tiny bit. Other than that it's pretty good, I had a good time with it, and it says interesting things and the message is wholesome and thoughtful.

Kept not saving my progress. It's fun, just broken

The gameplay is absolutely amazing, but the story is just, idk, something between boring and convoluted. And in general the game is confusing. If you can deal with that, this game is as good as the gameplay, amazing.