180 reviews liked by clotilde



when jonathan meowd, i realized i was a lawfag all along...

Pokemon fans will single handedly fix every design problem the franchise ever had while making a love letter that is far better than every single mainline game, and then plaster it together with an edgy Deviantart story in which the bad guys say "fuck".

yuji naka really fucked up on this one thats not even sonic!

i don't want to fix higgs i want to get him pregnant


-Keiichi Maebara

estamos alcanzando niveles de nostalgia bait desesperados

The lack of confidence saddens me. Good times were had, even great at some points, but always with the feeling that the game had to be weird with its gameplay usage for the sake of it. Since some of it was expected coming from Zeroranger, the devs went full on mystery mode and... well. Its mysticism falls flat due to its own expectations.

You can rest now Cif, you don't need to keep up with anyone's expectations. Not even on your own! That's why it saddens me, the game shares the same issues as this small bug. You are already an interesting challenge! Don't need to ask constantly "Are you being surprised? Are you liking it? Did I live to your expectations?"

Maybe it's true that the devil is in love with god.

I appreciate your existence and I pray for you.