If Half Life 2 was a good game it would be R3.

really fun until the final section, where encounter design is frustrating and there's too little ammo. really reminded me of FEAR.

The best stealth game ever made.

i don't know if this a fair rating really. i was just so bored that i couldn't continue playing it to find out.

PC/Next-Gen version is kinda glitchy, doesn't play as well as Chaos Theory.

Hale feels like he's made out of paper and the lack of a weapon wheel makes encounter design feel unbalanced.

Barely qualifies as a game, more like a tech demo


in terms of gameplay, almost flawless. during the end game, you'll be running from section to section, and if you're still playing games with HDDs like me, there's going to be a lot of waiting for loading screens to finish. narratively, the ending does feel abrupt, even with the post credits.

A game in my top 5, that I'm only rating 3/5 because of how incredibly abstruse it is.

David Cage is the master of creating horrendous masterpieces.

Interesting idea, wish it wasn't so empty.


better than l4d2 ¯\(ツ)