22 reviews liked by cmxxviii


"this game is deep and stuff bro, it says something about the human contidion" I utter as I furiously masturbate to 2B sfm porn

didn't even know that game existed, guess they're following the first rule

Basic bitch cliff notes understanding of the most mainstream psychologists and philosophers possible. Dan Hentschel says more about psychology than this garbage.

To me, this is just an ordinary Killer7

we oughta jump rgg for not bringing back tanimura again

The Deathstroke fight for this game is just Tank Among Us

kiryu walks around in this game like he just shit his pants

"Are you ready for the sexualising minors in your story lesson?"

Kazutaka Kodaka gulped.

Katsura Hashino nodded.

Nisio Isin blinked nervously.

"Yes, Gen Urobuchi" they said in unison.

It’s about making the most of your short time in life yet it’s 82 hours long? Hypocrisy much?