Games with messages I liked

sometimes it's about the human condition. sometimes it's about how we all live in a society, but in a good way

don't kill, and don't be killed.
morality and legality are not the same thing - to be a "criminal" is not to be irredeemable, and often they are just people trying to live their lives who fall foul of laws they had no choice but to break to keep on living, only to be punished and branded for life for it. no matter how far you fall, if you're at rock bottom, the only thing to do is start again once more
determining the value of things based on whether they're "real" or not is pointless - what matters is whether it's real to YOU, and the experience you get from it
"justice" is an entirely subjective, man-made concept, and one person's justice is another person's blind revenge. however, this isn't to say the balance of sin and punishment should be ignored entirely, and people who commit horrible crimes should still face consequences for it - but how, and who punishes the punishers?
nobody is irredeemable, and even if you've lived a life of hurting people and doing horrible things, it's never too late to turn back. we are all People who live their lives differently, and we have the freedom to be whoever we want to be, including better people
humanity is not "inherently selfish", nor do we "deserve to all die" - we always find a way to keep going in the end (tldr: ecofascism bad)
people living in poverty are not homeless or in bad health by choice - it's because they have no choice because they either cannot seek help or can't afford it, and because the things society has deemed "necessary" are things that are simply too expensive for some. this doesn't make them second-class citizens or "irresponsible with money", it just means they're the ones unfairly left in the cold, and corporations can frequently exploit this desperation for cheap labour
life is about the good AND the bad - all of which you can't change, because that's the human experience, and getting back up is just as important as the things that keep you on your feet
you are a product of your experiences far more than any abstract idea of a built-in hardcoded "nature", and you can always grow into someone new and better no matter what
rice is very good


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