It feels unfair to give this a star rating considering it technically never released, but I actually enjoyed it, I loved the speed! But what I love most is the story behind it and how it was found- that's the reason I played this to begin with.

This was THE game for me back in the day and I'm not even a batman fan

Played the hell out of the demo for this

Had so much fun on this game years ago but from what I remember I didn't do much of the story and mainly goofed around the world

Beat this one with my actual brother

Still never beat the main quest


Probably wouldn't enjoy it as much if I played today but when I was younger this was great

I used to play this with my brother all the time, probably not the best game objectively but I've got a lot of memories with this one

Apparently not the best one but it's the only one I've played with friends and we had a great time

Never really got super far into the game as I preferred spending my time base building, but I'd really love to properly beat it one day

Ok so I have a bit of a weird relationship with this game. I've only ever played through the tutorial and a little bit of that first city with the bomb in it, and that's it. After a while of trying to get into it a number of times it just kinda became a thing where I'd play through the tutorial of the game and then stop there. Maybe one day I'll actually try and get further but for now I'm weirdly content playing the tutorial once a year or so.

Pretty satisfying and chill game

Destroyed my brother in this one

I could never get past the jungle but still pretty fun nonetheless

I want to play this again so bad but don't have a wii anymore