A decent experience. It was cool to play through the start of a majorly historic game series, and there were parts that I did really enjoy. However, I will say that if you wanted to play this completely blind and without any guides, you might take a long time to beat this. As well as that, it's incredibly difficult- in both controlling Link and dealing with enemy AI (I also somehow managed to miss some crucial items early on and got stuck for a good while, but that might just be me being stupid)

This was actually my first ever Legend of Zelda game (kind of, I played BoTW once for a few minutes before) because I decided to play them all in order of release. Not entirely sure why I chose to do that but I've committed to it now, so onto the next one!

It feels unfair to give this a star rating considering it technically never released, but I actually enjoyed it, I loved the speed! But what I love most is the story behind it and how it was found- that's the reason I played this to begin with.

A cute little stardew-style game where as well as the typical farming game activities, you're building up the town and laying it out for the townsfolk.
While I did describe it as a 'stardew-style' game, I'd say the focus is much less on farming and is instead spread across all aspects, from fishing to mining to woodcutting, etc... quite evenly

While I did enjoy Littlewood as a relaxing experience, I will say it tends to get quite repetitive, as you spend most of your time walking around town to see what buildings can be upgraded and then gathering the required resources, and fulfilling townsfolk house requirements. I wouldn't say this terribly affected my experience, and if you want something super chill and really simple then this would be great for you.

I haven't 100%'d the game, and I probably won't play a ton more than I already have, but I do see myself coming back from time to time, so maybe one day.

Played the hell out of the demo for this


Toem is such a nice, relaxing game. Everything in this game is just filled with joy and you can't help but feel happy whilst playing it. Each quest was always really unique and interesting, and I love all the little different uses for the camera (I love the honk)
I managed to 100% the game in just a few days so it's quite short, but in those hours of play it's jam-packed with quality and care from the devs that really made every moment worthwhile.
I'm definitely keeping an eye on these developers in the future, you should give this game a go!

Stardew Valley meets Spirited Away. A few neat ideas with some interesting gameplay with the bathhouse but somewhat lacking NPCs. Admittedly I didn't delve very deep into this game but other than the dog I didn't really care for any of the NPCs, unlike something like Stardew Valley which this game clearly took inspiration from.

I'm not sure how to describe it but something about the movement controls feels wrong too. It feels like when you stick in a basic move script when prototyping a game, but then in this case just left it at that.
I never expected I'd ever say this, but I wish the NPCs walked slower when you were following them. They move at exactly the same speed as you sprinting, which means its really difficult to keep up with them.
I'll never complain about Bethesda NPCs walking too slow again.

I do wish I could love this game because I think it definitely has potential, but in its current state I'm not going to continue playing.

Ok so I have a bit of a weird relationship with this game. I've only ever played through the tutorial and a little bit of that first city with the bomb in it, and that's it. After a while of trying to get into it a number of times it just kinda became a thing where I'd play through the tutorial of the game and then stop there. Maybe one day I'll actually try and get further but for now I'm weirdly content playing the tutorial once a year or so.

I want to play this again so bad but don't have a wii anymore

This game has so much to offer as a platformer, the core mechanic of swinging with your tongue is really fun to play around with once you get the hang of it (took me until probably after the witch's tower to get the hang of it properly) and the other smaller mechanics unique to each level/boss fight were super cool too.

I don't speedrun games but this game felt like it would be fantastic for speedrunning. The sheer speed you can pick up with just swinging, if you can get it right, is exhilarating.

As well as this, the whole game was made by one developer, and they even have a YouTube channel where they post devlogs and other related stuff (Called Smelly Frog, as of writing this), their channel is how I knew about this game in the first place.

While I did manage to mostly get the hang of the controls in the end, I will say it was really difficult figuring out how to maneuver effectively with Froggo's tongue at the start.

I could just be bad at the game, but I also found some of the boss fights to be super difficult. The amount of time that you have to attack them was tiny, and sometimes it was hard to figure out their patterns for when exactly they would 'lower their guard'. I felt this especially in the first boss, probably because it was the first one and I wasn't fully acquainted with the controls just yet, though.
That being said the boss fights were all very unique and interesting. I also loved how more and more mechanical the stages got as you progressed, it really made you feel like you were advancing as Froggo becomes the only thing on screen that's bright green.

I do wish I could've rated this higher than 3 stars, but I didn't enjoy it enough to rate any higher than that. Overall, though, this game was good. If platformers are your thing and you want to support a smaller game developer then I'd say give this a shot- you might just love it.

Pretty satisfying and chill game

Destroyed my brother in this one

I could never get past the jungle but still pretty fun nonetheless

That was so good! The story and the card gameplay were great, and I'm glad I went into it completely blind.

Very interesting puzzle concepts, loved all the little secret dev rooms too. I don't think I quite 100%'d it, I seem to be missing two of the picture-thingies and don't think I got all the purple cube bits, but I'm happy to leave the game where I did. Managed to do all the puzzles (bar 1) without searching online, which I'm pretty proud of actually. The only one I did search up was for 'Many Different Angles' which wasn't even to progress in the game lol

Very interesting concept and a neat little game. I didn't manage to get past the blind guys (the bit where it's like three consecutive puzzles with them) I just felt like the time for the electricity running out was way too quick (or I'm just way too slow, might be that) and I'd always mess up right at the end by getting jammed between the two of them and then be sent right back to the start and have to do the two previous puzzles aswell which became a bit tedious.

I might come back one day and give it another shot but for now I'll leave it as is. What I did see of the game was good though, while the game lacked slightly in graphics the other puzzles were interesting and maneuvering with the gun was pretty cool. The game was made by a pretty small indie dev channel called Branno (as of writing this), so it's all made by one person which is always impressive!