I never thought I'd find a game that combines my interest in marrying a cowboy with my interest in soil science, but here it is.

Really love the whole concept of using the book while playing and drawing the spells. Starts out very unique and cute but it sort of forgets those things later and just becomes a fairly standard rpg. Towards the end I found it a slog, both gameplay and story wise.

I've technically "finished" this in terms of reaching the credits, which I managed to within two days, but there is tons of content in this game.

That's both a good and a bad thing. The options for design are near limitless, but it can feel overwhelming, especially with the lack of organizational features. The inventory lags really badly and sorting/filtering options are limited.

As someone who loves color and color theory, the bonuses you get for these are really cool except they aren't documented anywhere, so you basically already have to know color theory. Since I've worked as a front end dev most of my life, I know a fair bit, but even I didn't know what a Camaïeu scheme was before playing this. I randomly got a bonus for it and had to look it up. There is also no way to save custom palettes.

Unlike Style Saavy, there is no story mode, which is a shame. It basically just feels like a design sandbox mixed with a mobile game (though thankfully without any microtransactions and whatnot). I do appreciate that I can get more creative with outfits compared to Style Saavy, where if you mixed "bold" and "sporty" clothes you'd be penalized. I can create some really fun and weird stuff in Fashion Dreamer.

Some of the mobile game ish features are tedious, like "bingo" which involves just pressing A over and over again (I do it during work meetings).

The avatar customization is very cool and there are tons of options well... as long as you want your avatar to be white and thin. The gender locking of clothes feels unnecessary, especially since the "type A" and "type B" bodies aren't that different.

Overall I see myself playing this game a lot and enjoying it, despite the deficiencies. The reason I stop playing will likely be when I fill up my inventory because inventory management is downright awful.

Edit: unfortunately the game has started crashing on me and I can no longer play it. Fun times. I've had a lot of games crash on the switch but the only one that was game breaking like this was Monster Crown, a small indie game. I hope a future update will allow me to play again.

I was working through my potential cozy 3DS games and really enjoyed this! I draw a little for fun but I don't have any formal art background so I learned a few new things here. It gets pretty challenging towards the end! Especially if you have a smaller 3DS like I do.

Mechanics wise, unlike the previous title, Art for Everyone, it has undo! Yay! Unfortunately it doesn't have the grid, though there is a reference layer. It has some surprisingly advanced features and teaches basic use of layers which is great.

I loved the characters especially the classmate character, who as another reviewer said is a genius way to make you feel better if your art doesn't 100% match the examples. All the art and music is really adorable and feels like it's done with love.

This was so perfect for irresponsible children like me, who could not keep a regular Tamagotchi alive. Since it's not real time, they didn't die while I was at swim practice or whatever.

This is a fun, cute game that will appeal to fans of the DQ and especially the DQM games. It feels a bit like a mobile game in a good way, like it's a great game to relax with after work or on the train. Not too deep, but lots of fun things to do. And unlike mobile games, no microtransactions. That said, it's not a $60 game. Grab it when it goes on sale. I've seen physical copies for around $30 which is what it's worth IMHO.

The monsters are gorgeous, especially the new jewel ones. I just wish the new DQM Dark Prince game looked as good (the demo is out and it looks worse than the 3DS games).

Wonderful game. Played the original as a kid, and it's amazing how the game is accessible for kids but also challenging enough for adults. Plus there are some slightly naughty jokes I definitely didn't get as a kid. It's criminal that this game wasn't localized, I'm just grateful that fan translators did it justice. The size and complexity of the worlds is impressive for 3DS.

It's a cute, classic DQ story, rather than the darker themes in the Joker games. The Joker games are definitely weirder but this is pure DQ comfort food.

Do you like watching cutscenes for hours? Bad maps? Gatcha games? Falling off of cliffs? Killing 5 Moist Upa to level up your characters? I've got a game for you! It's Xenoblade 2 and despite being really genuinely hate-able at times, it managed to win me over in the end through some great characters and an ultimately compelling story. I hope to never play it again but I'm glad I played it.