The Warthog Runs

Games where the final or penultimate chapter completely changes the gameplay. See also my other Halo-centric list The Libraries,

Notes on the games contain spoilers.

Curious to see other examples but they should very strongly change the gameplay, not just be a mechanical twist or something.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Final fight is a sword fight.
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4
You spend the whole game blasting zombies then they stick you in a jet ski.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
This is a shadow-seeking, body-dragging, classic stealth game where the enemies have guns and you don't, and they'll fuck you up within seconds of spotting you. Until the second to the last chapter, where you get the "Riotguard" armored tank suit, and finally get to stomp through the halls just blasting whoever you want. As far as I know, it's not even possible to die while wearing this thing.. Also the first time I personally noticed this pattern.
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo: Combat Evolved
The eponymous Warthog run.
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
The ur-character action game, right up until the first phase of the Mundus fight where it momentarily becomes a bullet hell. Immediately following that is an airplane escape sequence which I completely forgot about until @Yuggy reminded me.
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid
The Jeep chase. I'm actually kind of torn on this one, since the game has several gimmicky gameplay-changing segments before this, so this chapter isn't quite as much of a contrast with the rest of the game. It is, however, very similar to both Halo and Riddick's entries in how it acts as a big exuberant release of tension.


1 month ago

Cool list idea! My first thought was Devil May Cry but you got it covered!

1 month ago

DMC also has the plane bit, right? Unless that's what you're referring to by bullet hell.

1 month ago

@Yuggy I completely forgot about the plane!!! I was talking about phase 1 of the Mundus fight but the plane is a way better example.

1 month ago

Uncharted 4 ends in a sword fight, a mechanic unique to this fight alone.

1 month ago

@Jackier thanks for the suggestion! I couldn't tell from the playthrough I just watched; is that just a QTE sequence or do you actually control Drake's movement and attacks? If it's just QTE I probably won't include it since Uncharted has a lot of those IIRC.

1 month ago

I mean in a true Uncharted fashion there are QTEs through out the fight here and there but you move around and the fight itself plays like a 3d Punch Out.

1 month ago

@Jackier good enough for me; thanks!

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