"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me" is one of the rawest lines in all fiction."

best dlc of all time, if this was a separate game it would still be one of my favorite games of all time. infact, time to go in my favorite list.

extremely simple with not much to do after one playthrough hour long session but if it actually had things to do to make it more interesting i could really see myself liking this game!

I love games where i get to make decisions and then have genuine nonstop anxiety for hours about each little decision to the point of near panic attacks over choices!!! i am normal and can be trusted with video games!!!

Another fun roguelite, 30 hours of playtime and i still wish there was more content

Great roguelite with even more content than the last time i rated it :)

Everytime i see huge battle scenes in movies, especially the medieval sort, i will think of this game. Genuinely has expanded my understanding of warfare and specifically infantry within the warfare, which is not something i went in expecting.

A good game that was made better with more content+ achievements :)

Absolutely phenomenal, didn’t expect much going in but i left with love in my heart. Genuinely just a golden game, my only complaint is i couldn’t romance all the amazing characters

Amazing 10/10 my only real complaint that dont fall under the expected bugs of a new game is that there is no end slides to show the consequences of your actions. You would think that a game that boasts about its crazy amount of choices would show what those choices actually effect, but other than that peak gaming with no real complaints!!

Breathtakingly excellent, it's so thought-provoking, and I ended the game genuinely unsure of what the "morally good" option was. I love stories where there is no good or bad, many RPGs fail in that aspect with the obvious good or the obvious bad but in this game, every path is as arguably good as it is terrible. was a stressful time making hard decisions, 10/10

this game was so good !!! finished every quest and regretted not a single moment, other than the normal regrets you get when you make the "wrong" decision in a choices game but still very good :))) if it wasn't for all the many many many bugs i ran into during this game it would easily be a 10/10!

hands down the best pokemon game, full stop.