Game 1 is 3/5 but Game 2 is 9/5 and pays off everything set up in Game 1 so hard so basically peak fiction

It is flawed but I love it.
Haven't started VLR though.

I replay these games sometimes because I'm a fucking dumbass

I was lukewarm towards VR and its potential in general until playing this game

Fun if you're playing with friends. The netcode is pretty bad but it's a casual game so it doesn't matter to me that much. I really like the art style and as a gambling addict I like the card pack concept, but the gimmick sort of wears off as obtaining new cards becomes more infrequent, lessening the novelty of finding and trying new cards, which was the main draw for me.

Could benefit from a booster pack system, either paid or earned, but I think there is a competitive mode; leading to balance / P2W considerations, though I feel the game is at its best when played purely casually and, as the name implies, with friends.

I like the combo supers a lot. Really cool game if you like the Naruto IP. I think the game is at its best when you're mashing buttons.

I used to AFK overnight in this game :^)

Love the aesthetic and you can get into some really great flows in this game. It is really unforgiving at some parts and I feel that this clashes with the 'flowy' playstyle I'm looking for, though this may be a skill issue :(

A good introduction to VR gaming and IMO a must-play. Becomes infinitely better when you mod in your favorite tracks.

Ever just had 20 minutes?

The first 'bullet heaven' game I've played and I get the appeal of the genre.

Makes me think I might actually be a VN enjoyer.

Drawn in by the interesting concept (but mostly cuz it's free) with a story that had more depth than I was expecting. Was ready to drop it at any second but ended up playing till the end.

Quite literally changed my life

Too good for an April Fools joke.

This is the best piece of Sonic (tm) media that I have consumed over the past decade.

Great shooter and my favorite one out of the COD/Battlefield type games.