nice and simple unique game felt very down to earth for some reason

I bought it before it was cool (yes i am better than you :) jk) great game soundtrack was nice and the ARG elemt was fun to see, really recommend

felt really smooth and i enjoyed the challenge

played it wiht a pal, was real fun kinda spooky in some places fuck the fetuses

kinda grindy at times but a fun experience nevertheless, WHY DID MY BEET HAVE TO DIE I LOVED IT (had to get 100% on one save tho)

My first far cry game it was fun played it to death for 3 days straight and finished with all main and sides

Main game was awesome soundtrack was fire as always (or at least ok), currently playing old gods pt2

NGL not as hard as people said it was, very enjoyable, soundtrack was nice i really like the jazz

Handsome Jack was very handsome game was fine, guns and skill tree fun, would recomend this looter shooter

meh i guess kinda fun going in breaindead and the audio environment was cool

to late to play online but the campaign was banging

not completed but done with the game, it was real fun with a ton memories


play with a few pals sometimes, good shit