The most emotionally charged story of any piece of media I’ve ever experienced. The atmosphere is forever perfect, and the ending is genuinely the only thing that makes me cry everytime I witness it all over again.

Silent Hill 2 is so perfect. I hold it dear to me in a way that I hold no other video game, book, show or movie. Throughout all of my emotional ups and downs, I trust it to comfort me, entertain me and make me feel all the emotions every single time I stick the disc in my PS2 for another playthrough. No matter what is going on in my life, I fall back to SH2 every single time I need it, and it never stops feeling as melancholic, fresh and fulfilling as the very first time I played it.

Key VNs make me feel such a specific type of sadness. I live for it.

Gaming peaked when Frank was invented.

Genuinely scared to play this with my friends because I think it might end with us putting hits out on each other.

Why does this stupid monkey game have almost ethereal OST tracks that make me want to cry.

Forever glad I bought the SNES version because the "Fatalities" are so funny. Seeing Johnny Cage just... rub the sole of his foot in the opponent's chest until they fall in defeat is the funniest thing I think I've ever seen.


I love every single one of these games I'm just fucking terrible at all of them

Will never forget the days this used to tell me I was "Healthy Weight". I think it still thinks I'm a six-year-old because for like ten years now it's called me obese. Every. Single. Time.

Will literally never know why I begged my parents to buy me this??? I was never even interested in drawing???

I can safely say that somehow I was the expert of the family at this game, coming from somebody who would consider himself a casual Disney fan at best.

I had a box full of these little fuckers, I think it's still sat in my garage somewhere. I would like to formally apologise to my mum's bank account for the money spent on these because oh my god what an expensive gimmick.

This and Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure were my entire personality as a 7 year old.