Honestly I had a lot of fun. Was my first Gears experience, and although basic being one of the early cover-shooter games, I found the Co-Op campaign a blast. I highly recommend to find someone to play it with locally to get the full experience as I had a great time. It doesn't overstay its welcome and ends just at the right time. This remaster also is very good in terms of visuals, however keeps to the Sepia feel of the original. Overall, I would recommend it.

Enjoyed the experience. Although it is of its time. I never played it before so I didn't have the nostalgia. A lot reused rooms and areas. Story was enjoyable. Overall good but not mindblowing.

This game is so confused. It tries to market itself as some RPG, yet has next to no complexity in the story. It just seems to me that everyone who recommends this game say you have to look past all of its flaws; such as the shit writing, bad design, clunky combat. I really want to like this game, but it is a chore to play.

Writing is incredible. I was grabbed by the story and setting throughout. However, my experience was affected by graphical and control issues brought on by the Switch port. At points the graphical issues became quite frustrating, the only thing that kept me hooked was the story that was incredible and should be experienced.


Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the game. Really fun shooter mechanics. The enemy types are fun and the missions are relatively well designed. If I was forced to criticise one thing; it would be that the mid to end game is a little long, but the ending is worth it.