6 Reviews liked by darktower

Basically as soon as I finished the first game, I downloaded this and immediately started playing. This sequel came out two years after Samorost 1, and it's a better game than that one in pretty much everything. Game length is still not the longest, but I am more than fine with that. According to steam I clocked a little over an hour and 10 minutes on it, and that seems accurate. The artstyle remains charming as fuck, and there's a lot of new things to see in this game. Music is also still quite relaxing and very appropriate, but writing this exactly 3 months after beating it I can't remember any of the tracks off the top of my head. They were perfectly appropriate for the situation. Puzzle situation had a lot of moon logic moments, and I'll admit I looked up a guide at one point because I did not know what to do next. A couple puzzles have a lot of steps and there's some long animations that are cute the first two or three times but start to get grating after a while. Still a very decent point and click romp, but I think playing it so close to the first one makes them blend in my head now.


The Medal of Honor franchise was EA's answer to Call of Duty and it was a tiny bit better early on. Allied Assault and it's expansion packs were great and what followed up Allied Assault was a bunch of PS2 games, which were kind of okay or pretty great.

Pacific Assault was the long awaited return to PC, the next entry in the franchise that had such a great streak and look how they killed it. Some call the 2010 reboot the nail in the coffin when it comes to MoH, but this right here was the first nail.

Pacific Assault focuses on, you guessed it, the pacific theatre of WW2 and to be fair, MoH already dealt with this in Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, which was exclusive to PS2.

This one however was "unique", because they added squad commands, semi realistic gun fights and overall a cinematic approach portraying this war.

What makes this one a really difficult game to enjoy is the brain dumb AI that you need to deal with, because the game has a new death system. If your HP drops to zero, you faint away and you need to be picked up by a medic who has 4-5 medpacks for you, and after that it is game over.

The optimal situation would be: You start the dying process --> medic picks you up.

What normally happens is that you lie there on the ground, while the doc watches you and you die OR a soldier comes to beat you up with his rifle and then you die.

If this is not enough, the aim down sight mechanic is down right broken, you are more precise with hipfiring and the worst of all is that often times, you cannot hit the enemy because of invisible walls.

A thicker bush? A fence? You cannot hit who is behind them, because the game registers the objects as a solid surface. Combine all this and some way too long turret sections, cheesy acting and you get the worst game in this franchise by far.

Avoid Pacific Assault as much as you can. I abandoned it this time, but I played it all the way trough when I was younger and thank god that I bailed out, because I do not want to experience the plane mission all over again.

Played the PS1 version cause I couldn't set DOSBox up on my Ubuntu Studio.

Much as I love some of the later games in the series, I did not like this first entry at all.

You only get a handful of tracks and a handful of cars. And despite the tracks being scenic, the colors are kinda drab. You can choose the time of day, but morning and evening basically look the same, and they just switch the skybox to a sunrise/sunset. You'd think there'd be some lights in the buildings at evening or some street lights alongside the road, but no. There's very little music, and it's some generic rock music, which I did not care for. The overall presentation is just boring.

But the worst thing is the actual gameplay and controls. Even if you select an automatic transmission, you still have to shift to the first gear to start moving for some reason. Every race starts you with the cockpit view, and there's no way to change that. There are few control schemes and there's no way to put the handbrake on the shoulder buttons. Not that you'd wanna use it anyway because it's way too sensitive. I spun my car around every single time I tried to use it. Even without the handbrake, it's way too easy to swerve. And once you lose control of your car, it's basically over. There's no restore button or even a way to back up. You have to manually turn your car around to get back to the race. And by the time you do that, you'll be so behind, you'll never catch up.

The only positive thing I can say about the game is that on the technical level it looks great, and there's no visible pop-in. Also the sense of speed is well-conveyed.

That being said, really see no reason to play it today, other than out of curiosity. Even if you just like the presentation, the game has so little content, feels almost like a demo.

This game is good, it has tons of that old game charm. It has interesting mechanics, story, characters and places to explore.

It has, however, aged quite poorly. The gameplay is not the most engaging, it is kinda clunky and such. So I was very glad this game is going to receive a remake, because it actually deserves and needs one.

This is, in my opinion, the best game to make you feel like a witcher. There are chapters, and each chapter has at least one big, tough monster to hunt. To defeat them, you actually have to go out of your way to research about it - which potions to use, which poisons to apply, which signs to cast. It can be the difference between dying or succeeding the hunt.

A slow and miserable experience representative of what it's a simulator of. While the concept of people going into the woods and killing harmless animals is disgusting to me, I can at least commend the existence of this game as it allows people to engage in that activity without harming any animals. However, I won't deny the fact that this game is so miserable to play that it could maybe just encourage people to hunt in real life and see if it's as bad as the game. Or maybe it might inspire people to assume hunting in real life is as bad as the game. I guess we will never know, but one thing we for sure know is that this game fucking SUCKS!