Some constructive criticism I have for the devs for when they make Crash 5 is to have every level be the carnival level. I think i’d be a 10 if they did that.

This is actually a 4.5/10 but whatever.

Campaign is ass but the multiplayer is underrated af.

This was cool, that’s all I can really say

Game is like a 4 or a 5. it’s better than avengers, doesn’t mean you should play it tho. If the game interests you, just play uncharted instead, as it’s just a way better version of this.

You also can’t skip cutscenes or the credits, fuck you square enix, so not cool.

I love this game but I hate playing it knowing that ubisoft murdered Rayman right after this. #JusticeForRayman

This is the definition of “play it yourself and don’t let others decide what’s good and bad”

Omg John Doe from roblox is the new Joker

I love this game.

There are so many good things about it. The acting is amazing. The writing in this game is arguably telltale’s best. The art style is so good that if the game released in 2022 (almost 10 years after the first episode released), I wouldn’t have even noticed cause it’s aged so well. And while choices don’t matter like most other telltale games outside of The Enemy Within, I don’t even care cause the story is so goddamn gripping. But sadly it isn’t really a game so it isn’t a 10 as it’s just a point and click but the story is probably a high 9 or a 10 so I recommend this a lot. Play it or Bigby will hunt your ass.

0/10, should have just made the game about A New Hope and The Last Jedi.

I don’t have to revive Pierce anymore, let’s fucking go!