Done for now. Got up to Aladdin which is apparently a little over a third of the way through which is why I may go back to it just so it’s done. Might have enjoyed it a lot more back in 2002 but it has not aged well at all. If you don’t have any nostalgia for it, don’t touch it.

Seriously, it’s dog ass, let me get on the fucking chair during the trickmaster boss fight you motherfuckers

A great game with an amazing first half, and although it never quite reaches the heights of that first half again, it’s still a solid ride from start to finish, leaving me wanting more and wanting to jump into God Of War 3 right now, but it’s 3am on Christmas, so probably not the best idea to start it right now.

I really enjoyed the gameplay in this. The management of the cult was so fun, I got so engrossed in it. The mix of the farming and more too was great. Oh. Just great stuff, I recommend.

The rougelike stuff was fine too I guess.

This is the best game of all time

Can’t believe we got a good sonic game, I used to pray for times like this 🔥

Why was this actually good? Wtf

Better than I remember, in some ways yes. However, some stuff in this game is still not all that great. The last act of the game is very weird, with kiryu being thrown into it in the last minute, yeah, I love you kiryu but you should have just not been in this game. If he wasn’t, this game would be a 8 or a 9. And Tanimura only having ONE 1v1 fight when he is primarily made for 1v1 fights is just messed up, why does he have so many group fights?!? Hell, why does every character in this have so many group fights! And fuck that shotgun dude in Kiryu’s last long battle, seriously. Anyways, with that aside, this game is pretty solid. It’s the first yakuza game with pretty good substories, the story is mostly good until kiryu’s part starts, the new additions to Kamurocho such as the rooftops and being able to go underground is amazing, and how they have introduced 3 new likeable main protagonists in one game and made it work is insane. Overall, a 7/10. A fun but very flawed game.

Finally went back to do the chalice dungeons and got my platinum. Will most likely do a proper playthrough of this again before the year ends just for fun along with doing the DLC (finally)

People be like: “ooh Kaito is just a cheap Kiryu knockoff”

No, he’s the upgrade.

Fucking tails, every fight was easy but tails, literally. Fuck tails.

Toy Story 3 yeah? More like Toy Story 3/10. Yeah! Take that Randy Newman!

this platinum is going to kill me