you are legit stealing from the devs by buying it for just $15

was gonna 100% this game and then pool decided to exist. like wtf why would you do that

Overall a pretty decent remaster of a pretty decent game. Come into it with the expectations of what you should expect from a Mii game and you'll be pleasantly surprised. The combat system is easy to understand and the scenes between party members are cute, but get annoying to see once you've seen all of them, which, in my playthrough, happened pretty quickly. The added content in the port itself is actually pretty cool, although it doesn't warrant the $60 price tag.

The combat is clunky but it actually gets pretty fun after you get past the few hours and get certain upgrades. Definitely could use some polishing, which is actually what we got in Kiwami 2! Loved the story in this game as well. It was a much more personal story and it brought a nice, fulfilling end to Kiryu's tale.


OMORI's combat is probably the worst part of the game, even if it is admittedly pretty fun. It's really simple, and the game is easy. It has some unique features that make its combat stand out, but even then, it's not utilized properly and you won't find yourself using these features to their full extent.
I think this game's story is great, even if it is slow at times. My only problem with this game's story is how there are needless exposition dumps where the game may come off as pretentious towards the player. That really is my only complaint, though, as I believe every character is properly fleshed out and the story is revealed in a satisfying manner so that it doesn't feel half-complete when you're done. There's a ton of stuff in this game that you won't notice during your first playthrough, and even when you complete the game, the story goes deeper than you think.
The art and music in this game are amazing. There are so many good tracks in this game as well, the battle themes are phenomenal and some of the ones used in the cutscenes are amazing as well. The art is spectacular, in the overworld it's pixelated, but in the battles and cutscenes it's hand-drawn and it looks beautiful, the enemies look expressive and the art style they use in the cutscenes work great to enhance the experience.
Overall, this game would be perfect if they fleshed out the combat a little bit more and didn't make the game super easy. I think it's worth playing for the story alone as it is the best I've ever experienced in a video game.
This game might not be perfect, but from the beginning to the end, it really feels like the person who made this game really loved it. There are so many things to explore, people to talk to, and places to see that really make this game have a charm of its own.

Quick addendum (12/03)
If you're checking this game out despite not liking horror games because of all the hype surrounding it, great! (I was like that too :P) I just want to mention that this game definitely contains horror elements, but they usually come in the form of quick jumpscares. There are loud noises as well. These are not scattered all throughout the game, though, you see a bunch of these in some of the early game segments, but they die down later in the game. ^-^

A game that's definitely not for everyone. Has a great OST and combat system, but its story is definitely lacking.