one huge interactive episode of south park and it does that job incredibly well. also i can minimize cartman's screen time so that's a big plus

barely manages to stay ahead of DP as far as initial games go, if it was slower it'd be even worse. still pretty good tho i mean its pokemon lmao

peak mario kart, mk8 dont got SHIT on this

theres some really really good things about this game, and some really really bad things about it so it evens out

underrated as fuck, honestly might be better than super if it was on snes instead of gba

its great, get over it paper mario purists

what if haha, what if we made red/blue look like absolute PISS and also hamfisted anime stuff into it haha

have to give credit where credit is due, spent a lot of time on this game

really enjoyed my time with it, but i got pretty far and lost my save. so it might take a while to psych myself up to go through it again

most overrated one, but that doesnt mean its bad at all

how did people play this, its aged like milk on turbo mode in an emulator