3 reviews liked by derpug

Hello Mr. / Mrs. / Insert Non-Binary Honorific [Username] ! You are one of the lucky few chosen to test out or new product, the Playdate! P U SS Y I N B I O

So yeah that was pretty convincing fellas I clicked on the link but all I got was the playdate. Instead of drowning my sorrows in alcohol and colgate, I decided my date would be no one particularly, I'll just be casually rizzing up a whole martian settlement with free healthcare and great customer service. Historical context: if you're reading this review a few centuries from now, let me tell you about what the playdate does. It's a little device with a gimmick, a crank that you can turn. It's fun to use! Here, it's used to clean tables once in a while. And make the martians dance, it's a key feature excellently making use of the crank and I'll keep up that lie.

Every day, you host a therapy session, one many of yall deserve but I've not seen a hair of any Backloggdian much to my disappointment. Is disappointment the opposite of an appointment? wtf? Let's not get sidetracked. My therapy session has free wifi and free food, also P U SS Y I N B I O and I'm the first one to deliver on that ever empty promise. Each session has a theme, and they're all very funny! You have to check through the window to see if the to-be client truly fits the bill, not here just for a tasty cake. Is he Japanese? Or a bonafide weeboo? Make the wise choice.

So yeah thats the loop. It does be longer than the other Playdate games, and more unique. Or unique. The others are like, Snake or Tiger Tiger from Xenoblade 2 and this one is Papers, Please lil cousin. Using your tentacles to clean is a great idea and it makes the process very slippery, which as many know is good design because you can barely control shit. Is the game different if you play at midnight? Expert required to answer this. Any expert who actually owns a playdate? Dare ka imasu ka?

not an hour into the game and the mc is having sex with a child