Perfect game excluding the stuff I didn't like


bad advice DO NOT listen to the touhou

The first postmodern video game, and a marvel of creative achievement. Challenging, yet congenial gameplay and meticulous level designs, which compliment a gritty war story that isn't afraid to get totally meta. Hideo Kojima's magnum opus.

epic rap battles of history for kinnies

This game is like drinking boiling hot dog water. You keep drinking it and you eventually lose sight of why you started drinking it but you keep going anyway. You finish the disgusting boiling hot dog water and at the bottom is a hebrew national. A pretty mid hot dog that's honestly kinda gross and you don't even have a bun but you eat it anyway because compared to the hot dog water the hebrew national is a gourmet 5 star meal.

the ideal way to play this game is with Eminem's Venom playing on loop in the background