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WubGaming completed Devil May Cry 2
Going into this, I knew DMC2 was considered the worst of the series. I had expected that was because maybe it was unfairly hard, or it had a lot of game breaking bugs, or some other third thing. Having beaten both Dante's and Lucia's stories, I can confirm that it is neither of those things; it is just so absurdly boring. DMC2 is the worst DMC so far (I've only played 1 and 2) because the combat isn't fun, it's so so so so easy to cheese every single fight (even if the cheese ends up taking like 20 minutes), the level design is like 50x worse than DMC1, and the story is effectively nonexistent. I seriously have no idea why Dante is even in this one. Lucia is a lot more fun (meaning that she's like a 4/10 instead of a 2/10) and the story actually revolves around her. I played as Dante the first time through and had no idea what I was ever doing or why I was doing anything. I felt somewhat similar while playing as Lucia but at least she interacts with the bad guy a few times to give some bare minimum level of context to what's going on. The saving grace of this game is that it's fairly short, with Dante having about 18 levels and Lucia having like 13, so if you are dead set on playing this for completions' sake it won't take you too terribly long.

8 days ago

Booshnaw completed Animal Well

9 days ago

11 days ago

bachesag completed OTXO

11 days ago

11 days ago

Silverhand backloggd AeroGauge

11 days ago

Silverhand backloggd Extreme-G

11 days ago

11 days ago

11 days ago

11 days ago

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