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She's mid but i like her : )
The story is over the top and a little stupid, like yakuza games should be. I dont really see a problem with it being too crazy or anything. They even had some genuine cute comedy moments in it.
Game controls insane but I kinda loved bumping into every object and having it spiral into nowhere and once i got used to the combat rhythm I was ok.
I think Sayama should have went with Kiriyu to run his orphanage. You don't just leave the man you embraced as you both thought you were going to die, man,
I didnt play the Majima saga or the cabaret clubside game yet.Ill add an edit when I do though I suspect it wont change my rating too much.

this game is for people who edit anime girls smoking cigs and self harming onto pictures of messy rooms and genuinely wish they were real / think the girl is like them fr
i remember as a kid online , before even knowing what a visual novel was, id see people talk about the most disturbing anime thing ever this game called saya no uta and i was scared of it bc it had gore in it. the image of saya and her weird flesh wings burned into my mind. than i found out it had a bunch of horrible shit in it and never thought about it again untill i got into vns and saw so many people praising it. My mistake. Don't read it, a wretched waste of time.

i played a shitton of this game a year (two?) ago. it sucks ass.

The moe yakuza game
I bought a whole console to play this because after watching my friend play it/watching the cutscenes I couldn't stop thinking about it.
I'm not going to say anything else about it because I fear I will accidentally write a 20 page youtube video essay (neg)
People who say this is the first Yakuza game you should play dont know tf theyre talking about play kiwami 1 or ps2 yakuza. Thats all. Fuck RGG

This was the first game I bought for my 3ds and I played the shit out of it. It's not very good.

the robot designs from this game were fundamental to my development

Really good game to get faded and play w an oomf

Gonna write about each little story individually I think anyway,

Akiyama: As a character he is awesome, love his dynamic with Kido and Hana and his overall demeanour and vibe. His only flaw is that he doesnt realise he shoulda been lovin a fat bitch instead of a girl he met yesterday.
Saejima: The scene is really bad. Like worse than just the clip people cite it goes on to have it known that Kiriyu saw the whole thing, was cool with it and left Haruka alone with him. Its a stupid way to illustrate that his ass was in prison for a long time from any way you choose to read it and should have not been in the goddamn game.
The worst thing is that hes actually really compelling and his part of the game is pretty great aside from the 'stealth' stuff near the end. His sub stories are what brought me around on him along with the latter half of his story.
Tanimura : overall the most interesting and the most complete feeling story. Ma-chan is awesome even with all the cop bs idgaf about. They present a mystery and solve it, its cool. I really dont have a lot to say , solid and good story.
Kiriyu: Hes characterized kinda weird and kind of like an asshole which is cool tbh. Im glad they acknowledged that him thrusting his job onto some punk ass 30 year old because he didnt feel like doing it was kind of a dick move. He's kind of a character who wants to have his cake and eat it too, like he wants to leave his yakuza life behind yet keeps in touch with all this people and says stupid bullshit that amounts to "the yakuza are kind of awesome and the good guys actually" while running a fucking orphanage.

I dont know....I dont think I would be as positive as I am on this game if the franchise didn't have its claws into me. Theres plenty of stuff about the main plot i just plain dont like (or gaf about) and even though I played it straight after 3 it made me nostalgic for it. Maybe in a week I'll start to miss it but its safe to say I need a break after playing 4 games in a row.
Saejimas dumb fucking sister and Hana becoming skinny annoy the shit out of me , I really wish the writers saw women as people.

this is one of the only "children's games" ive played that actually made me feel like it wasnt made for me, i cannot belive they wrote next to the attacks if theyre effective or not. i really liked dressing up my character and thats about it (of course i liked the funny animals who doesnt)

This game is full of things i didn't expect but the biggest are how earnestly and boldly it leans into its yuri and horror aspects. It pulls no punches when it comes to these girls being textually gay as well as having , while not downright disturbing, very good horror scenes.
the level design is really bad like not even rpgmaker bad but it seems to have been made in a nightmare world where iterations of "get to place in time" are things people look for in games. I think it inflated my play time by actually 3 hours and is the reason that as much as i want to i will not be going back and getting any of the other endings anytime soon (i looked them up on youtube)
i kept trying to formulate excuses for the game but i think maybe astral shift needs to hire an actual game designer.
The only other games I can compare this to design wise are "classic" rpgmaker games but those are excused by the fact that they are free, often short games. I payed money for this so yeah there is an expectation there that it would not employ this shit to artificially make the game longer? scarier? more dificult? I actually don't know what the fuck its trying to do.I compare it to rpgmaker horror games because it is clear (almost textual) that it's where this game comes from, but it really irks me when people call it an rpgmaker game, there is a distinction between aligning yourself with that legacy and literally BEING MADE IN THAT ENGINE. There are idiosyncrasies that rpgmaker has that this game surprisingly captures but its not made in the fucking engine. I dont want this to just become a catch all term because i am a huge fan of things made in the engine and as not all games made in it are horror games starring girls not all games that share its aesthetics and mechanics are.
There is however one thing this has in common with "rpgmaker horror" games : theres something about rpgmaker games and the like being so fucking into their own shit that they forget to think of the player. like this game and so many before it will just have actually hard chase sequences right after cutscenes w no checkpoint in between like yeah fuck it get trapped in the time loop nightmare dimension untill you figure out how to do this very specific movement, bitch. its admirable and in this game has to be intended because no way have 10+ years of rpgmaker horror games passed and no dev has thought hey maybe this is infuriating,lliiiike theres something there right? the games not scary but its oppressive its annoying it makes you feel trapped and i think thats kind of beautiful
maybe im just bad at playing games? But it almost feels like getting 100 game overs is part of the game design
esp on parts that seem like they have no way to predict where hits will come from
and every time i finish a night segment and get back into the main game the comical vein that has been pulsating on my forhead retreats and i enter a state of bliss untill the inevitable next night when i will actually take a bite out of my switch.

My favorite thing in this game is the art and insane creativity in presentation. I audibly gasped when I saw the handmade assets. Not gonna say anything else about the art because its actually perfect.

One of the most entertaining mystery vns ive played. As the chapters go on the creativity of the dev really shines through. I particularly enjoy all the minigames. They arent anything too special, but they break up the pace nicely.
The art direction is actually so good too. Incredibly unique and confident in it's insane designs.
The game doesnt wear it's influences on it's sleeve, it wears them on it's ita bag as huge holographic buttons and you know what? It's kind of awesome. It never steals or outright reuses things from the genre, the person who made this is clearly a huge fan of these typse of games and used their knowledge.
The atmosphere is surprisingly good, especially early on, the game is scary. Not in a jumpscare yikes typa way, more in a "this is really fucked" way.
The problems I do have are twists being slightly more convoluted than they need to be, ending up ruining motifs established early on. And whatever Keiji has going on. Him as a partner and foil to sara's personality is really good. Over the course of the game he becomes a mentor father figure to her and i really really like that. But they hit you with his flirtying???? or whatever the fuck so much that its hard to ignore what the actual intention behind his character is, which makes me insane.

Very much looking forward to the last chapter.

I love to gamble !!!
edit: lowering my rating because this game isnt good its just addicting, i genuenly am mad about how much time ive wasted on it

this is where im gonna go when i die

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I'm starting to think these Yakuza guys arent such nice people....
This is one of the most adventure ass adventure games of all time!!! Aesthetically this is my favorite game I've played in a good while, theres something so special about the locations. Having like a 5 hour opener in Okinawa was actually such a good idea, going back to higher poly Kamurocho felt so nice afterwards and also gave a sense of like Im leaving home to go to where I used to live but I now realize its kinda sucky.
Rikiya is awesome hes my fucking guy hes my fucking bro! Hes such a genuine guy why the fuck is he in the yakuza. I really like Kiriyu trying to keep him out of trouble. In this game his qualities as a father figure really shine through, him just wanting to do good and protect the people around him but being unable to escape dealing w yakuza shit because hes literally an action hero is a great throughline and kind of sad. There's also this feeling I get of like.... man hes kind of fucked up, hes not normal is he, which like yeah.
The blog mechanic? Oh my god! So fucking charming.
The story and gameplay sections almost have no regard for each other and I think that's kind of awesome and adds to that classic campy feel the series has.
Mine is crazy, another victim of the sassy man apocalypse.
Obligatory Majima analysis for this game: Im glad they confirmed in like the first 10 mins literally textually what ive been saying this whole time : that he's an incredibly sentimental person. Not even gonna talk about the interactions he has w/ Kiriyu, man. By far the gayest moments theyve shared so far.
Also im sure the bait and switch of Kiriyu dying at the end was crazy before there were like 5 other games where hes completely fine.