4 reviews liked by dissonine

This is the ugliest, most digusting, grotesque, and vile game I've ever played. There's a giant enemy in the game that sounds like a 2015 era "ear rape" meme. There's songs that are 100% just snare loops being sped up. A flower made of human flesh crawls at you in the dark and spits bile. Someone no longer a person changed their form into a fleshy cube. Its a visual assault on the senses.


Postmortem sperm retrieval is turning dead men into fathers
9 body parts you can sell for profit
Cannibalism has a time and a place. Some recent books, films, and shows suggest that time is now. Can you stomach it? - headlines from Businessweek, Insider, and the New York Times

I let my friend play this game and he looked at me like I was insane when I said "ah shit dude sorry I left death mode on."