this era of racing games was the pinnacle for me, and this has to be among the top 3 i’ve played. i really don’t think they got better than this

a totally serviceable rpg set in the lord of the rings FILM trilogy? unreal. where has this been all my life

this rom hack is honestly so good I’ve had more fun with this than any nintendo-released pokemon game in years

the waves are always there for me when i need em. probably the most relaxing experience i’ve ever found in a video game. massively underrated

**and the soundtrack rips

finally starting a proper run of this game and while I’m not enjoying it on the level of chrono trigger, it’s amazing to see how far they pushed the gba

pretty superior to the two towers game but not super fun on a handheld. one day ill revisit on the big screen. they really need to remaster these games

my hot take: getting the fish for the cat so you can unlock the slingshot in the beginning is actually fun and not tedious at all

single player campaign is the most fun I’ve had with a shooting game in years. whatever happened to this franchise

don’t often enjoy playing arcade games outside the context of the arcade but this one is irresistible in any setting. only golf game other than the ones starring mario (or mii) that i enjoy. and it’s because the color and animation are so bright and exciting

best game from the ps2 era? definitely a contender for best soundtrack! so stylish and over-the-top it’s hard to even call it a basketball game but also epitomizes everything i love about sports games. and this one lasts forever bc it has a killer original cast so it doesn’t need to be tied to any specific era

a wonderful excuse, if you need one, to buy an emulation handheld

hard to imagine a better tennis game. in terms of sports simulators, this is the sweet spot of arcade and realism for me...especially because the emphasis is on the latter

i tried every tetris game i could find, and this is hands down the absolute best. it owns my life. i will play it forever

this started off with a massive bang for me but started to trail off as i got further into the weeds..which are very, very dense and at (many) times, incomprehensible. id like to finish it someday.