I come back to this game every couple of months to play with friends, and I don't think I've had a boring/bad experience every time I had played it. I normally tend to stay away from trendy "play with ur friends for 2 weeks" type of games but Lethal Company is genuinely good.

Potential to be a "Discord game night with your friends" classic, but it could use some polish. The system on how you get views on the videos you record is extremely vague. You could have the most harrowing, gut wrenching, (GONE WRONG GONE SEXUAL) type of content ever filmed and it will only net you one third of the view "goal" you need. It also doesn't have the same "wtf" factor as the monsters in Lethal Company. The AI is seemingly way less complex than Lethal Company's. Overall it's a good concept, but needs a lot more work.

I keep this game in a special place in my heart despite how frustrating it is at times. A lot of elements make this game great to me: the team composition building, using supplies to be ready for anything a procedurally generated dungeon throws at you, and the extremely quotable narrator. Although I do feel as if this game is just plain unfair at times with a run often being screwed over because you are at the mercy of RNG, even if you use buffs and debuffs to manipulate stats. Regardless, I’m a big fan of this game and the sequel as well.

Has done irreparable harm to our youth


Boring as hell. U walk around until u starve to death or get shot from 200 meters away.

Underrated as hell. Soundtrack slaps

I mean obviously it’s a better game than Diablo 4 sure but there’s just something off about the game for me. No character customization, the combat doesn’t have that punch like D4 does, and server issues on release made me kinda go eh and forget about this game. I will come back if a new season/wipe starts to re review this game but until then it’s just ok

Somehow fulfills the masculine urge to earn a CDL. Crank dat hog brother

I don’t even feel like giving this a proper review to be honest. Bored to death the whole time I played it. I would rather put a toothpick in my big toenail and kick a wall than play this slop again.

As far as metroid roguelikes go, it isn’t bad at all but there’s just better games out there. Like Dead Cells

It’s a pretty solid high fantasy 4X with a lot of different spells and troops with several different faction types. It’s also very customizable from creating factions to creating maps. Despite this, every run with the game sorta feels the same. It’s a shame because there’s sort of a meta progression where you get unlock points for different cosmetics for finishing a game.

The characters and the environment were interesting enough to keep me going through a fairly boring game where you just drive from point A to point B. The writing was kind of a slog towards the end.

you play as John Berserk from the hit manga, Berserk, if you microwaved your eyeballs first.

A decently fun FPS roguelike but the one thing that stands out and actually bothers me is that there’s not enough variety in the levels or guns on subsequent runs that make it feel like no two run is the same, which is what I think is important for roguelikes.

The first time I played this game was maybe the fastest 6 hours I’ve ever wasted in my life