I would be lying if I didn’t find it amusing that Leonardo from TMNT, Lady Gaga, Gojo, and Dr. Strange can be on the same team.

Excellent turn-your-brain-off game to kill time for me. I would be lying if I didn’t sink like 90+ hours in my playthrough on it. I’m just not a huge fan of playing games that feel like you’re doing chores. At least Stardew makes it feel fun.

This game just feels as if the devs went to make a Souls game but just didn’t study what made Souls games good


Seek forbidden knowledge. And then ketamine

The game that threw that Yakuza formula on its head. I would say I found the turn based combat threw me off to the point where I finally got used to it halfway through because I’m so used to Yakuza being a beat em up. It’s not terrible, but it definitely feels stiff and restrictive when you compare it to Infinite Wealth. Also the dungeons weren’t as good as the newer game either. I would say the amount of activities and side content along with the story is amazing and they nailed it. The MC is also extremely likeable which is what I find important in Yakuza games as well.

Definitely a good switch up on the Yakuza formula, but it’s very rough compared to playing something like Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

One of my favorite roguelikes of all time because of the amount of weaponry and how its more skill based than other roguelikes that are luck based. Excellent game.


Cool game but cringy awful manchild tacticool LARPer community. The game depends on relying on the community.


Lol this is truly slop. Absolute worst in the genre of walking sims with guns and zombies.

The concept is excellent; the execution is flawed. You will literally have tutorial bots on your SWAT team and the enemy AI will be 20+ year special forces veterans with wallhacks serving two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mention the maps are big and you have to literally find every single citizen and bad guy to the point where it becomes extremely tedious. I get what they were going for, but sometimes realism does not translate well for video games.


When someone who's getting into roguelikes asks what's the first one they should play: I will tell them Hades every single time.

Survival games are not my thing to be honest. I only bought it to play with friends and I would say that would be the only time I would find this game enjoyable.

One of those games I think about every now and then. I came in expecting a serious crime drama. I got that, and a cabaret club manager game with karaoke. I love games that scratch my ADHD itch to just allow me to run around and bullshit outside of doing the main sotry. Yakuzo 0 has plenty of content for that. I love this game with my whole heart.

It's overrated to be honest. Progressing through the stages I don't really find my character getting an stronger outside of leveling up because the gear you pick up through most stages isn't better than what you start with... Also getting one shot for no reason is a really fun roguelike mechanic

Incredible roguelike shooter. I definitely have phases where I play this game for a week straight every year. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing, the level design is great and the enemy design and boss design are fun and engaging to fight against.

However I have a few select complaints. You’re kind of locked into one type of build because I just can’t help but feel I need to build attack speed and crit at all times on MOST characters with a few exceptions (Loader). If you can’t get those items in either a 3D printer or just finding them you’re kind of boned. Also getting one shot for no reason is also really fun…

Overall this is one of the best roguelikes for a reason, def worth a try.