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duppy finished Mario Party DS
Mario Party DS is the first Mario Party game I've enjoyed enough to play singleplayer and I loved every second of it. There's so much charm in this game, especially in the story mode which has a cute storyboard-like art style to tell a narrative between levels.

The boards were relatively simple and fun, nothing too complex like I've seen in other entries of the game but they have enough going on to make them unique and stand apart from one another. After each board, there is a boss fight you must beat before progressing to the next one, and these are so cool and a nice reward for beating a level; the only one I didn't love was the last one which felt a bit underwhelming.

I recommend this game to anyone who has yet to give the series a try. A series with as many entries as Mario Party can be quite overwhelming, especially when hearing how hit or miss they are but this one seems to be a great place to start.

4 days ago

duppy backloggd Mass Effect 3

4 days ago

duppy backloggd Mass Effect 2

4 days ago

duppy backloggd Mass Effect

4 days ago

duppy reviewed Princess Peach: Showtime!
This game had so much potential but it just fell flat for me. This is Peach's first solo game since the controversial Super Princess Peach but there just isn't much content here at all. The content it does have is enjoyable, despite it being extremely easy, but you're probably getting around 7 hours of playtime for a full-price game which, in my opinion, isn't worth it at all.

The concept of Showtime is cool because each world is like a different genre of game, some of my favourites were the more stealth-based ninja levels, the mighty mission levels where Peach becomes a superhero, and the kung fu levels which have awesome combat. However, there are some levels which bring the game down, and every level is mandatory to beat before fighting the final boss so there's no way to avoid them. For example, the detective levels were extremely slow and provided very little challenge to make up for it; you'll spend 10 minutes finishing the level just to feel no satisfaction at all because of how easy it was.

The boss fights were a highlight of this game though, they were surprisingly fun and occasionally provided a bit of challenge. Light Fang is the boss of the second floor and I think he was probably my favourite, and the Madame Grape fight at the end was really cool too.

Overall, I think this game is just fine. I definitely wouldn't recommend paying full price for it but if you can pick it up for cheap it's a somewhat fun game to kill a few hours.

4 days ago

duppy reviewed The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

This review contains spoilers

I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed Ocarina of Time and how well it holds up to this day. This game holds an incredible amount of content to uncover considering it's an N64 game, it's not until about halfway through when the game REALLY starts.

The feeling of picking up the master sword for the first time and jumping 7 years into the future is unmatched. It answered so many questions I had while playing the game, like why can't I wear the Goron Tunic because I'm too young? The fact that it is necessary to switch between young and old Link to solve puzzles in different areas, especially late-game, is genius, and the differences in the world at these differing points in time are so fun to explore.

The boss fights were excellent too. I had some difficulty getting used to the targeting system, I'm not sure if that's just an issue with controls since I played on Switch or if it's always been a bit clunky, but it was manageable once I got used to it. Some boss fights that stand out to me the most are Phantom Ganon, the terrifying first fight against Ganon which makes you feel extremely underpowered but prepares you for what's to come at the end of the game, Volvagia, the giant fire dragon which looks awesome flying around the room, Bongo Bongo, the phantom shadow beast which was super fun to fight using the lens of truth, and Dark Link who replicates your fighting techniques requiring you to think outside the box to defeat him. I love how challenging each boss is in different ways, there were no boss fights that felt unnecessary or out of place, they all test your knowledge gained from the dungeon prior.

The way the soundtrack is intertwined with the gameplay through the use of the ocarina is genius; playing different songs to solve puzzles and act as gameplay mechanics like warping, changing the weather, or summoning your horse is so awesome. The soundtrack overall is masterful, some of the late-game songs that Shiek teaches you are more orchestral such as Bolero of Fire and Requiem of Spirit, giving a sense of significance and dominance.

Overall, I think Ocarina of Time is the perfect game to get into the Legend of Zelda series, like I said before this was my first Zelda game and it's only made me super excited to play more.

4 days ago

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