This was just mindless fun. Lots of swears, blood, and even a nuke.

It's like playing an episode of South Park, except it's an RPG, and I'm not a huge fan of RPGs...

Being able to go back to Kanto blew my mind back then, and it still does.

This game is really good at making me feel like I've accomplished nothing in a 6 hour session.


As of writing this I have almost 300 hours in this game with 1000+ attempts and 4 victories. Take from that what you will.

Kinda the same as the prequel, except this mc has VERY GOOD motivation.

I never stop playing this game for very long.

Only good for Battlegrounds, but even then.......

After hundreds upon hundreds of hours, I finished my first turn. This game is gonna be great!

Season one was pure. It slowly lost soul over the years until season passes came into existence, and now it's unplayable.

I'll never look at oxygen the same way again

This was my favourite game I played this summer.

When it wasn't crashing half the time