All of my reviews are going to be the same for all the Mario Party games (except 8). Not as fun as Mario Party 8, but still fun. This one gets bonus points for the hilarious and awesome river version.

All of my reviews are going to be the same for all the Mario Party games (except 8). Not as fun as Mario Party 8, but still fun.

All of my reviews are going to be the same for all the Mario Party games (except 8). Not as fun as Mario Party 8, but still fun.

I can’t believe they just made Super Mario Bros. four players. That’s awesome. Now we just need an open-world, local co-op, custom character RPG. That would be unbelievable.

This game made me realize what blasters were in Star Wars, and why they weren’t just guns.

This game is surprisingly fun. The duels are hilarious, especially with the right people holding the controllers.

This is when I found out that my skills on Mario Kart DS meant nothing.

Playing this with my brother at Dave N' Busters was so fun. Funner than you’d expect. And yes, "funner" is a word. Look it up.

This is the only Mario Kart I know I’m actually good at.

This was a fun little beat-em-up game. Pretty hilarious animations too.

It’s ok. Just stick to the first one, though. This one's super overhyped.


Playing this game makes the Xbox 360 seem new again.

Surprisingly, Spider-Man isn’t my favorite character to play as in this game. I doubt he'll be yours too. My favorites are probably Thor, Silver Surfer, Ms. Marvel, and Luke Cage.

You can play this game with non-gamers and still lose. That’s pretty genius to me.

It should’ve been called Lego Superman because flying around Gotham while John Williams' theme plays is the best part of this game. By far.