if you played this game for more than like 5 hours you’re unhinged

better than a lot of the shlock but not good enough to kick it with the big boys. sorry tiger

LMAOOOO bro just play this and see why i hate life

LMAO i wanted this game for years, was not worth the wait

dude this game is so dope. it’s short and sweet but also fun and fresh. it’s better than the ps4 spiderman games to me but far from perfect. sequel please!

i beat this entire game over the span of like a year going to my cousins house and it was the first time as a kid i faced dissapointment when playing a spiderman game, i had a long road ahead of me

the ps2 licensed superhero game equivalent of a good kusoge. LMAO man this game is jank fun

this shit was just alright tbh, idk what i was expecting to be fair but … man…

best fucking spiderman game i LOVE this game it’s so awesome

this is literally the best fighting game of all time. my a groove kyo be SHMOOVIN i will cook any of you punks

it’s a neat anime fighter with some cool concepts! y’all not seeing my half moon roa or crescent arc tho. BUT YALL DEFF NOT SEEING MY SHIKI RYOUGI

i’m guessing this is the equivalent for a realm reborn? well okay i’m going to be honest ARR is one of the worsts experiences in gaming i’ve had the displeasure of playing. shadowbringers and heavensward is so good but i’d never ever ever play through this BS again to get to that. fuck ARR.

one of the most fucking boring wastes of time in my life i wish this expansion never existed…minus susano…. you can stay