Siactro games ranked

A one-person dev (afaik) who makes very short games that are homages to SNES, N64, and PlayStation games for the most part, they've pretty quickly become a favorite of mine.. I recommend you try all their games, but here's my personal ranking.

Macbat 64: Journey of a Nice Chap
Macbat 64: Journey of a Nice Chap
Probably the meatiest option of the lineup, from my memory. The main game is good, but the extra levels really sell it for me.


Super Kiwi 64
Super Kiwi 64
A great fleshing out of the original Kiwi 64 into a full game. Probably the most easily recommendable.


Ooh this one had a lot of great surprises despite being 10 minutes for the regular game, don't pass up on this one.


Kiwi 64
Kiwi 64
I think it goes to show how charming Siactro can be when the one-level game from nine years before the full one isn't on the bottom.


Toree 3D
Toree 3D
Just feels a little weird and is less charming than the others in my opinion, but certainly give it a shot. There's a reason it become pretty much the face of this dev's games.


Silver Trigger 64
Silver Trigger 64
Charming, but even more short and simple than the others. A fuller experience could be amazing.


Hungry Ducks
Hungry Ducks
Really short and not very interesting or nearly as much of an ode to the 64 bit era.



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