enough random encounters to drive a man insane, sick music and atmosphere though. cruising through ginza with that one track is a great feeling

this game is horrible but i had fun as a 16 yr old with an emulator after watching the AVGN's video and following a guide. also the music is fantastic, i dont think i wouldve beat it if it wasnt for that lol


played the shit out of the demo with a friend as a kid. i remember filling my inventory with fishes to get transformations but my friend sold them instead. bastard

i'm just like him, a silly little guy full of black goo

they took the fossil cleaning mechanic from fossil fighters and it fucking sucks, especially on phone...

bought this for my ps2 as a wee lad thinking it was gonna be a cool platformer but it was just a bunch of minigames fuck those rabbids man

played this every day for a good while until i lost interest... it was quite fun and simple. i started playing since its release so i managed to stay on the same level as everybody else without paying (except for the spiderverse battlepass cause i like spiderverse).
the game puts a lot of emphasis on its art which is pretty smart, it's based on comic books so that's easy to take advantage of. a key part of the game is collecting skins of different cards, and for the time that i played, the game was generous with its gold currency so i was able to buy plenty.
i'm not even a big marvel fan but the game made me read a spiderman comic which i liked.

i guess what drove me away was some of the balancing being pretty poor and the devs being kinda bipolar with their economy system. i also played a whole lot so i must've gotten tired.

also cerebro 3 for life. made it to infinite multiple times with him :3

Hand it over... that thing... your DARK SOULS™ III

this game made me the man i am today

bandai literally banned my region from playing this game. i loved it though

they throw a medicham into lava

a clunky, cryptic mess of a game that has more charm and creativity than the majority of digimon games that came after it.

the sense of progression is genuinely great and none of the other world games they made of this type have been able to replicate it, and exploring is quite fun with all the digimon that you can recruit. the prerendered backgrounds are awesome and it's cool seeing these as you go into new areas.
i really love how the environments are a mix of nature and industrial components, so you have things like trees with plugs that go into sockets, cables all over the place, tubes and pipes spread over a beach, etc

a guide is almost needed for this game to be enjoyable but thats mostly for the digievolutions and some recruitable digimon like coelamon. you can still recruit a lot of digimon and figure shit out on your own, and that makes it more fun.

yeah this game cums, shits and farts hard as fuck

better than cyber sleuth, mostly in the story and character department. i never gave a single fuck about any of the characters in cyber sleuth, they were awful, but i found this main cast to be quite likable this time around.

the game feels more straight to the point but it still has those moments of dumping a lot of boring dialogue on you, and since its basically an extension of cyber sleuth, it still suffers from some of the same issues (unbalanced difficulty, boring environments, etc).

domination battles were a nice change of pace, although theres not a lot of strategy involved and playing them on hard felt like a massive slog sometimes.

also Yu made me question my sexuality