17 reviews liked by eliserss

Nearly perfect game (except Terror Time, all my homies hate Terror Time). You can spend 100+ hours in Blasters and it's an optional side mode. Best monster collector since B2W2, best America parody since Earthbound. So many spontaneous little events, the multiple main character angle works really well and allows the world you get to explore be pretty damn big. Insane number of Yo-kai, revamped battle system, we can go on and on.

Side note, I own the cart. Bought it at launch so I didn't have to take out a loan either. You are all jealous.

I tricked my best friend from elementary into trading me their copy of Diamond for my copy of the shitty tie in speed racer game the day before he moved. Truly my greatest shame. Great game though.

Gonna mark this as completed anyways because fuck you I am not collecting every fucking korok defecation and completing all the pretty little shrines to get a tunic that looks exactly the same as any other tunic I can unlock in moments by "taking advantage" of the switch clock system (like a boss) with my tragically purchased amiibos that have layed dormant for a solid 5 years

one of these days wayforward will make a fun game again

broke 2 2DS playing this game

This is my rating for Tetris as a concept more than any individual release. It's Tetris, you know?

nah dude that's the worst netcode i've ever seen

Fetch Quest: The Video Game + easy platinum

how do you look at a show with the coolest movement and fighting in any show ever and think "yeah let's make a boring platformer"
this coulda been celeste with badass fighting and instead its sonic 4