5 reviews liked by emnick

If this game was entirely about blowing dudes right in half with a bow and exploding arrow it would have been a masterpiece. Alas, it has a plot.

A case study in how one of the most prolific and resourceful game studios in the world can be led by a single man’s beliefs to create something that is immeasurably hollow and hateful, exacting a grueling human toll in the process. Free Palestine.

deathloop more like deathpoop am i right

this may genuinely be the greatest trilogy of games ive ever played. ive always loved mysteries since i was a kid and even went as far to base my career around solving them, so this game reaaaally hit for me. ive also never seen such a strong collection of mystery whodunnit stories. almost every case had me on the edge of my seat, especially in the 3rd game. also this is one of the strongest casts of characters ive ever seen. the core group is so incredible and i adored all of them. the thing that stuck out for me is that even in its low points, the ace attorney games still shined through (be it a really good character, culprit, vibe, etc) which is something that I feel like I can't say about a lot of games. ive also never quite identified with a protagonist as much as I did with both Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth (he just like me fr ×2). this is also genuinely the funniest group of games ive ever played, everything about this trilogy's humor was just so fkn well done. as far as a rating for each game ive gotta say it goes T&T > AA > JFA. what an experience, definitely earned a fake law degree from it.

a lawyer only cries once it's all over, and boy howdy am i crying

Thanks to this game for making me sound way too into Pinocchio for awhile