The easiest game for me to just turn on and have fun. Other than Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 I never liked racing games, but this is a favorite game of mine.

Gameplay and aesthetics will never grow old. The trick is to use the pink car and press down on the D-pad when going off a ramp to increase distance and improve landing.

The game saved me into a glitch near the end so I never beat it but at least it was the least scary Silent Hill game I've played yet, which is good.

I love this game but it was an extremely frustrating experience because of

1. I've already played 2 entire XIII games before, which are both frustrating games for their own reasons
2. how many times I restarted XIII-3, looking to perfect how I'd played each of the days (before realizing that time management is less an issue than it seems at first)

Those are pretty huge reasons for it to be exhausting ultimately. I didn't even beat it once I got to the final dungeon I was so tired. I would recommend not trying to perfectly play it but otherwise its pretty freaking great.

Wonderful game with the greatest RPG battle system there is, which is the Star Ocean/Tales style active RPG thing, but this adds combos on top of it making it even better. The story is whatever, who cares. The little cutscenes are cool and... Milla's boobs and cute JRPG hero named Jude. Looking forward to playing Xillia 2 someday.

single most essential thing in the world

Least fav of the 1-5 series. Have completed the main game. Might play chapter 2 in a rainy season. I hate the aesthetics and every single voice is grating. The story is okay but depressing. The open world is ultimately a lot of repetition and not fulfilled by the content. However the sneaking is the best of the series and the FOX engine is beautiful.

hate it. I got to the point after it becomes very gigantic, instead of just gigantic, (about 15 hours in) and no I don't want to play this. Should not be called SMT5 but instead SMT Open World.

I like games to experience a combo of story + gameplay + aesthetics and this doesn't pass any of them. The piecemeal story it leads the audience through is too slow and I don't care what happens. The gameplay is empty and repetitive. If I spent the end of 2021 playing this I would not look back fondly at this year even more.