Amazing and classic game that is just too easy to fly over most of the levels
The super tough hidden levels are the best of all Mario maybe

One of the greatest games ever made. Each level is so replayable. The world is so cool. It gets goofier and less engaging as it goes along, but I still treasure every level. The soundtrack still rips too and I listen to it often in my car on Sundays.

Rareware games were simply the best. After 20 years I still can't say I've mastered it. Even better with a mouse and keyboard!!!

Did not fully complete my first replay since the 2000s (I did a lot of grinding to gain Cloud, but then got bored and too overleveled for the final stretch) but still I had a great experience. One of the top tier RPGs and Final Fantasys. The sprites are an eyesore for the first level or 2, until your eyes adjust and it becomes beautiful, and consistently are belied by the dramatic story with great twists and death scenes. The soundtrack is truly one of the greats.

Peak: the library chapter. If you watch those levels on YouTube and aren’t convinced immediately that you want to play it, there is no other way.

Rules. All time classic. Has normal and hard difficulties. How can this be so good?

The easiest game for me to just turn on and have fun. Other than Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 I never liked racing games, but this is a favorite game of mine.

Gameplay and aesthetics will never grow old. The trick is to use the pink car and press down on the D-pad when going off a ramp to increase distance and improve landing.

Just like the first, it's short but great for what it was at the time

short, but great for what it was at the time

Not giving this a 5 is an act of cowardice.

I finally beat it! Great game, I played it so many times before, but I would always get lost in Gruntilda’s Lair. Click Clock Wood and Rusty Bucket Bay are classically hard Rareware levels in the best ways. It didn’t end up being as long as I thought it would be, Super Mario 64 probably still has the most content for best platformer but the quality here is even better.

Has one of the greatest final levels I’ve ever played in a game. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Rareware games are of the best ever.

Onto Tooie! (Next year) 9.8/10

How many times have I played this game? It just never gets old.

Back in late 2004 I didn’t go to school, I stopped when I became 18 (next year I finished at an alternative school), and I rented this game the day it came out and played it over 2 rental cycles. I never felt more alive, plus I got to play it for 10 dollars instead of 50. Great memory.

What is it that makes this the best Metal Gear? 1-4 have the best stories. This has the best gameplay though. It’s amazing that an HD version of a 2004 game is the most playable game ever.

It’s my favorite game, and I’ve been playing it more over the past couple of years after realizing that I can play whatever I want to. Why play a poor game for the first time when you could just play Snake Eater again?

There’s something nice about playing a game nearly entirely set in the jungle. It’s calming. I normally don’t like boss fights, but they’ve become so much fun to play here. European Extreme is surprisingly easy.

A Metal Gear game that puts every other Metal Gear to shame, just because it’s not Snake Eater. The best game ever made.

Amazing but so hard. Will play more someday

I've played about half of this, I think. It's very difficult, but deepens the more you play it. At first I thought it was a basic brawler, but then it can also be a side-scroller (by Konami!). The mini-games are so much fun too and add so much to the experience. The quirky designs throughout are the best part. Cool music too.

Will definitely finish this someday (I got to a spot that I was unsure of how to procees) and play more games in the series. I love this game!

I enjoyed this a lot back in the day

The game saved me into a glitch near the end so I never beat it but at least it was the least scary Silent Hill game I've played yet, which is good.

Least fav of the 1-5 series. Have completed the main game. Might play chapter 2 in a rainy season. I hate the aesthetics and every single voice is grating. The story is okay but depressing. The open world is ultimately a lot of repetition and not fulfilled by the content. However the sneaking is the best of the series and the FOX engine is beautiful.