This was my first super addicting game. I played this so much online. The custom map mod games were awesome too. This game was perfectly balanced. It was very easy to sink tons of time into this.

Has been my favorite game series for a long time. Really cool world. Awesome story. Interesting characters. Very fun game play. This is the ultimate sci-fi story. The Legendary edition updates the graphics and game play to be a bit more modern. It does a pretty good job at this. I am replaying through the whole series now.

ME1 (hardcore)
This game looks totally different. The graphics are so much better. The first time I went through this game I didn't enjoy anything but the story because it was dated. The legendary version is much more playable and I am enjoying everything about it. The combat is not as good as modern games, but that is to be expected. I was still able to enjoy the combat. It took me 18 hours to beat ME1 on hardcore. This seems like the right setting. It is difficult, but not crazy bullet sponge difficult. I was worried that my memories of this game were rose colored, but it turns out that it really is just a great game.

ME2 (hardcore)

Graphics are ok. The story telling and world building is fantastic. So many beautiful worlds and cities to check out. The world feels huge even though the actual playable size is quite small. I never get lost or dont know where to go next, but it doesnt feel on rails. The gameplay is fun. Interesting powers and the difficulty is fair and even. It is mostly a cover based shooter, with small amount of tactics thrown in. Every mission adds to the story and world building in significant ways. There is so much lore and interesting concepts in this game. The team of people you can build in ME2 is great. Well built cast of characters that you care about. I woudnt say mass effect 2 is the best at anything, but it does really well on all aspects of gaming, which makes it a fantastic game. I dont really have any large criticisms.
ME1 (hardcore)
This game looks totally different. The graphics are so much better. The first time I went through this game I didn't enjoy anything but the story because it was dated. The legendary version is much more playable and I am enjoying everything about it. The combat is not as good as modern games, but that is to be expected. I was still able to enjoy the combat. It took me 18 hours to beat ME1 on hardcore. This seems like the right setting. It is difficult, but not crazy bullet sponge difficult. I was worried that my memories of this game were rose colored, but it turns out that it really is just a great game.

I did not like this one that much. Quiplash 3 is really the only game I liked. If you can get 2 or 3 of the games in a pack that you want to play more than once than its a good pack. This one didnt do it for me. Party pack 3 is my favorite. Has 4 games I like.

Fun quick gunplay. The maps seem very similar to each other and the game seems very one dimensional. I think that's the point. It is a simple game where you fight and upgrade till you become over powered. I have only played for 2 hours, but I just find myself frustratingly running around trying to find boxes and portals. It has not been very fun. I will probably give it another go a couple times, but I dont think I will change my mind on this one.

The original of its kind. Fun addicting game. I already beat a game that was cloning this game about a year ago. It was really fun. This game seems to be better, but I have been worn out on this game play loop. Great game, but easy to exhaust.

I almost never pay very much for games, but I bought this one for only 10% off because I was excited about it. This game has awesome art style and cool concept. Plays like a comic book. This is cool, but I think the target age group is a little younger. The story is pretty straight forward and basic. The gameplay is a fighter with rhythm game combined. It doesnt do either very well. I was using same combo most of the game and couldnt tell if other combos did more damage or just looked different. Didnt really have a good way of telling. They introduce a lot of different mechanics, but they dont add to the fun, just extra stuff to do. There is also some platforming that is not done very well. The controls dont feel good and its hard to tell how far your character will jump. This makes the platforming feel more like a trial and error than a skill. Everything on paper looks awesome with this game, but none of it was very fun or interesting to me. I really wanted to like it. For such an awesome art style I am surprised on how bland the game feels. They killed it in the art department, but everything else fell short sadly. Did not finish

Above Average

Difficulty: (Jedi Master) Graphics are great. The details in the environment are awesome. Lots of big things happening in the background. Gorgeous landscapes and fantasy sci-fi art. This has some of the best diverse landscapes in gaming. Dialogue, acting, and cut scenes are all really good. This is like playing in a movie. The main character is very likable. You can’t skip cut scenes, you can’t manually save, no fast travel, and detailed complex maps. Not skipping cut scenes or dialogue forces a longer play and not manually saving forces more things to have to repeat on death. Auto saves are not frequent. These things are kind of annoying. All of this makes the game longer than it needs to be, but also may flesh out an atmosphere.

The game does a good job of making you feel powerful, yet very fallible. When played correctly with good timing you can kill enemies very quickly, but when played poorly they can take a long time to defeat and cause many deaths. The combat is pretty fun. Not too many different buttons or combos, just good timing of block, dodge, strike, force power. This makes the game feel more fluid. Overall I would say the game play is really good, it can get annoying when I die a bunch of times on the same fight. I find though that after I beat the fight I can do the fight easier every time even without a power upgrade. It really is a skill that you are learning that makes you more powerful.

I tried to beat the second Jedi boss about 30 times. I got frustrated and switched to one difficulty level down. The boss fight was still tough and a good level of difficulty. After the boss the difficulty was too easy so I switched back. (Jedi Master) difficulty is a little too tough, but one down is too easy. So im just staying on Jedi Master. I played the rest of the game on this setting and then the end boss was too hard so I dropped down. The end boss was significantly harder than the rest of the game. The combat is fair, but above my skill level. It feels bad to move the difficulty to get past certain areas. It could use some difficulty adjustments.

This game is so well done. The story is interesting. The setting art is some of the best I have seen in any game. The combat is tough and fun. It does get frustrating, but I really am enjoying it. Acting is fantastic. The lead is designed after and voiced by kid from Shameless. This game is so close to Excellent, but the difficulty not being consistent enough and the unskippable cut scenes hold it in the above average category.

I bought this from steam for 15$ I returned after 2 hours. The game might get better, but it was not that fun. After two hours I was not hooked at all. This has so many good reviews that it seems maybe it gets better, but I didn't want to take the gamble on 15$. Maybe I'll rebuy when it's 5$ and give it a shot.

The world uses dull color pallet. The art is interesting, but bland. The fighting is very basic and not interesting. Lots of running and having to turn around and go a different direction.


Very unique game. It looks pretty straight forward at first, but it just keeps changing and getting weirder. The card game is interesting, it takes some strategy, but it can not be compared to a heavy strategy game like slay the spire. This is more of an interesting mystery game. Once you beat the game and see the whole story, there is not much replay value. There are options to keep playing, but the card play is not good enough to want to keep playing for me. This was an interesting mystery that I enjoyed, but the mystery is what makes the game, because it keeps changing, it is hard to see where it will go and that is fun.

Played this game so much. This game does not respect your time. Takes so long to do anything. This is like a second life. I would hate it now, but I was really into it in high school.

The graphics on this game are insane. The lighting is beautiful. Definitly worth playing with ray tracing. The way they use lighting to fill the atmosphere is unlike anything I have seen in a game. The areas are surprisingly diverse for an office building setting.

Combat is pretty fun. Mostly using throwing powers and finishing with gun play. Dashes. This game has fun mechanics, but the main focus of the game seems to be story and mystery. The game isnt fight bad things in this room, then move to the next room and fight more. There are decent areas of exploration and story discovery mixed in. The pacing seems pretty good so far. I have hit a steep difficulty issue, where i might be under leveled. The difficulty spike was harsh and I am trying to do side quests to be more powerful. It is interesting that going back to other areas the mobs are easier now. The mobs are numbered with how hard they are and low number mobs are really easy now. After doing some side quests the difficulty corrected itself. By the time I beat the game and moved on to the expansion I was overpowered.

The story is very interesting. A mystery, similar to stranger things vibe. It goes deep, but also stays shallow. The lore is there if you want to dive into it, but you dont have to. It is a very mystery filled world. Even after beating the game, there are tons of questions left unanswered. I bet a lot of them would be answered if I read the lore. Overall very interesting story.

I beat the main story at 21 hours. The difficulty level was pretty good throughout accepting the one part where i was under leveled. I dont really understand the story, but it was very interesting. I will just go to youtube for explanations. After beating the game it goes right into expansions which is pretty cool. I was still interested in playing the expansion, but by the time I finished the foundation expansion, I was ready to be done with the game. Over all I thought this was a really well done game with an interesting story and insanely good graphics. The game play was fun and I think there are several ways to build your character, although I would imagine throwing abilities are the most powerful builds. Thats what I did.