Still a bit dated, like it's predecessor, but I found myself frustrated much less, and the levels are also a lot more varied in this than the first Splinter Cell. Highly recommend, if you can deal with the poor PC port!

Still a fun play, but you will have to spam that quicksave due to the unpredictability of the enemy AI. It shows it's age but is still great.

Co-op is completely broken

Near-endless supply of content and Steam workshop support makes up for the archaic controls and poor UI.


NOT GOOD but the soundtrack is nice and I got it for free soooo 🤷

Incredible 4X-Wargame hybrid that is somehow easier to get into than other wargames.

Not as compelling as pretty much any other wargame.

It isn't fun once you grow up past 12

It's shlock, basically Call of Duty: Rome but it's still lots of fun. Ended up not finishing it because the copy of the game I downloaded kept crashing, but it's definitely worth a try.

Too complex for me. Probably good though, I like the character creation!

Better than Dark Souls 1.

Laggy asset flip garbage. Despite being based on a Warband mod has worse melee combat than Warband.... janky trash all around

Basically Field of Glory: World War II. If you like FoG you'll like this.