8 reviews liked by evalya

The game kept breaking during co-op but it was really fun for the 5 minutes I was able to play

Being my first experience in the Armored Core series, I enjoyed what I played from Fires of Rubicon. While I didn't care much for the story and the missions are a bit repetitive, where this game really shines is with its incredibly fluid, fast-paced gameplay, and the wealth of customization options for your AC.

unique little game very chaotic and visceral fun, also a decent amount of strategy and its just kind of fun to send little guys to their deaths in the name of multiwinia or whatever

There comes a time you have to admit a style of game isn't for you and these Civilization style strategy games aren't for me. I'm just not very good at them and I'm not sure I ever will be.

Despite that I had a lot of fun with Humankind. Building my small native tribe into a not so great Civilization because I'm not very good was fun. I played for hours, multiple play throughs, failing. Next thing I knew it was 5am.

If you enjoy strategy games I definitely recommend this. I will be playing it again.

Great competitor to Civiliation, fixes a lot about it that I don't like while introducing a somewhat different take on progression. Very fun to play, but without proper mod support and a large swath of activities it is simply not that replayable and will probably not stand the test of time like Civ.