64 Reviews liked by eviefrye

maior ganho pra quem tem toc e que gosta de organizar (eu)

it lacks the essence of Barcelona: being able to raise prices for foreigners

Eu estipulei para mim que um jogo só é zerado quando eu vejo os créditos, mas como esse é um Simulator que não tem isso, eu criei uma condição para eu considera esse jogo ''zeravel''

Que é basicamente compra o carro mais pika do jogo e me senti satisfeito com o que o jogo tem a oferecer, explorei bastante, foram quase 10 horas jogando isso, e eu tenho um veredito:

Apenas um jogo relaxante que se torna tediante, repetitivo e ate mesmo estressante depois de um tempo, mas eu consegui o carro mais foda do jogo, mas... mas ele nn faz drift...

Ok, eu definitivamente me emocionei com esse game, de cara, vc já nota que não é um game good vibes e não tem a pretensão de ser. Gostei do plot e para não dá spoilers vou parar por aqui.

A way out vale a pena ser jogado e explorado nos mínimos detalhes.



Hades é uma obra-prima atemporal, inacreditável ter sido feito por um estúdio "indie".
A trilha sonora do jogo é surreal, excelente, sensacional, tanto nas partes de ação quanto nas partes de diálogo. Ela reflete o que está acontecendo no jogo muito bem.
Os diálogos então... coisa de outro mundo. Cada vez que você fala com um personagem após morrer, é uma interação diferente que vai mudando após cada vez, sempre adicionando um extra à história.
Sua Gameplay é um tipo de fusão entre "Hack N Slash" e "Roguelike", você sai descendo a porrada em ondas de inimigos, cada vez com combinações diferentes de poderes à sua escolha, com bosses que variam a cada run/morte, e que estão sempre mudando/evoluindo.
Pra completar o final verdadeiro é necessário passar pelo final boss dez vezes, o que pode ser uma dor no cool, mas que acaba passando rápido devido a diversão que o jogo proporciona.
A história do jogo é fenomenal, montada por uma série de diálogos ricos distribuídos pelo jogo.
Seus gráficos são uma belíssima mescla de 2D com 3D.
Em suma: um diamante bruto.
Tempo de jogo: 25 horas

if you're looking for a lighthearted lgbt-inclusive dating sim and happen to already have netflix, this is entirely free to play! no in-app purchases at all (which immediately puts it one over love island haha).
story is a bit bland and very full of itself (which comes with the source material), but it's a good time! and nearly every character is gay which helps hehe
i chose elodie :)

[DEMO, open beta]
Very boring and repetitve, go to that island take that quest go with your crewmates there get your quest done. Everyone will call me crazy but this game feels linear and gets boring fast. Although if you get a friend on board it could be fun for 2 hours at max.

The ship combat feels unrealistic, and I feel like a first person instead of a third person would have been better for this game, alteast the game is optimized decently, the lack of melee combat is something disgusting, how come this game was in the oven for 11 years? I feel like it was in the development in 2013 but it was forgotten and maybe in 2019 was picked up again, and the quadruple A's thing is the main event of the circus, atleast you have a decent character creation tool with decent styles to choose from and not spending 11 dollars on a hair style ¯\(ツ)

The english pirates have conquered you while you tried to escape their fight by chasing you, after your ship was wrecked you were one of the survivors.

I might never buy this game, actually I consider this game to be a ticket to some kind of a carnival were they show developers dressed as clowns and their performance would be lying, oh what a show. The only possibility of me picking this game up would be xbox gamepass if a friend would want to play the co-op for some goofy missions, but yet again I'm not spending money on jokes made by corpos.

jogo de nerd desocupado & mal amado



Me fez ficar viciado em um gênero de jogo que eu nem ligava direito



In another instance of me choosing to play a game from a mobile ad (aka masochism), I played Family Life.
All I can say is at least this game is close to it's ad.

It's sort of like a choose your own adventure game. You start a family and from time to time you get you choose what happens... and the best option is usually behind an ad.
50% of your time with this game will consist of watching ads, the other half will consist of expanding your family numbers; the more people you have means more people to fill spots in the family business and that will lead to more money.
That's the game loop: you choose the best options (of situations that become repetitive after 15min) so you can get more family members, then you use those numbers to get more money, and that money will go into raising the younger generation so they can later make more babies.

It's not that interesting and there are better time wasters.


This game has a lot of differences among other Far Cry games but other unbalances in game is makes the immersion frustrating. You can repair your car if it's damaged, when you want to use map character is taking out a map from his pocket or something etc. but immersion is not enough for a game to be good, this game's gameplay is too bad. Half of the gameplay is driving a car and driving car doesn't feel good it feels slow and on top of that cars is too vulnerable, even 6-7 bullets can make your car broken. The protagonist is like doesn't exist, he can't talk. Missions are all the same. The other half of the gameplay ''shooting a gun'' is bad too, NPCs not reacting good to bullets. There is not an auto save feature. The story is dogshit we can see the villain a few times but he is not an interesting person. There is enemy camps in game even if you clear the camps they will respawn again and they will make the game too much frustrating for you. You have to repair your car or your car is become too much slower and these camps are on the way to the missions so when enemy shoots your car six and seven times you are going to slow down, and then they will send a car after you to shoot you more. Game loop is repairing your car, and clearing the same camp or roadblock over and over again. Far Cry 1 was frustrating, but Far Cry 2 is frustrating and boring at the same time.