Awesome game but I mainly got it to complete my steam library of Elder Scrolls games

Played it during a free trial. It has fun aspects but had too much grind. I may still get it for dirt cheap since I love many aspects about it. It's also just pay to win.

I think it's a good game but I had to stop playing because my aim sucks so I couldn't get past the sniping stages. I personally would have preferred to play as Nariko the whole game because I liked her mechanics.

This game was my first ever mmo and I played it when I was still a teen. I couldn't play it for too long because my computer was trash but I felt so immersed in the world and loved the lore and gameplay so much. Sucks that the game has died because to this day I still love it for what it was. Here's to the memories.

(Wrote this on Steam)


Love every part of the game. I got it back when it dropped on the Epic Games store because I foolishly believed it would be an exclusive on that store. I stopped playing since Epic Games took up too much space on my computer. I'll play again if I can get the game dirt cheap on my Switch or PC because I'm not paying full price for a second copy.

It's a good game but it's too long for a campaign for me. I lost interest when I became the Stag lord. Honestly that felt like the end of the campaign to me. I thought I'd like the ruling aspect of the game since I play games like Crusader Kings 2 and 3 that also have you build a country but in this game it just wasn't fun and I really can't explain why. This was my first experience into D&D since I have no friends irl who play the game (I'd only play D&D with friends if I played irl one day) and overall it was a great way of stepping my foot into D&D. I might finish the game one day but for now it'll be a nice little gem in my Steam library.

P.S. Another aspect of the game I found weak was characters. Some I didn't care for at all. I really liked Amiri the most but that's it. The others had potential to be great but were written kinda flat so when romance options started happening I didn't even want to romance anyone. I hadn't even spent enough time with the romance options to feel anything for them.

(I put 19.9hrs into the game on Steam before I quit)

Cute game but doesn't hold a candle to the first Animal Crossing game. This is just cute, that's it. No connection to the animals at all sadly. It's why I take months at a time to come back to my island. I still love it since it is a nice cozy game to come back to.

Awesome game but I've been stuck at one part for a few years so I haven't finished it. Can be very punishing on players which is another reason I quit atm.

I love this game despite its flaws but the flaws are why it's been abandoned. I personally wanted to explore a bit more in game but it's hard to do that when every few seconds/minutes a random enemy will appear (like in Pokemon when you enter tall grass). It became annoying to me so I quit playing.

I played on an emulator btw so idk if that was a bug or the actual gameplay

I love mostly everything about this game but it's been shelved since I needed to backtrack to get certain items to beat a boss. I wasn't willing to backtrack at the time years ago so I never finished the game. I do know how it ends since I watched a letsplay on YT (It's how I first knew about the game)

I will get back to this but atm I'm playing a lot of Switch and PC games. Love this game btw and after playing it for a while I understood why my best friend is a diehard fan of the franchise.

Played it after playing through Thief (2014) and I understand why the franchise has the following it has. Definitely an amazing stealth game for players like me who love it. The graphics might not be to everyone's tastes but it was good for its time and for me it still looks nice. Haven't finished the game yet because I got distracted by new games but I plan to finish it.

I love retro type games and this game is no exception. The demo was short but it introduced the key mechanics in a great way while also having a great amount of anticipation and suspense. I also love how the killer's AI is randomized, it keeps me on my toes. And this is getting developed by only 2 people?! I'm really amazed at how great the demo is with such a small team. I'm definitely wishlisting this on Steam and will follow the game's development.

Small Game Issue: The only issue I had was towards the end where I had to evade the killer in the drama room. When that scene begins I couldn't read all of the text because it was hidden behind the slanted wood in front of the teacher's desk. This may have happened because I was standing so close to it but I thought I'd report it if it's a bug.

(Original review was posted on Itch so I'm adding it here)

Never played it since I had no money for it as a teen but I watched playthroughs on Youtube so it's kinda like I played it. I remember loving the story, characters and gameplay. I might play it one day when I forget enough about it to feel like it's my first time playing with no knowledge.

Love the game, hate that it's so expensive and you have to pay a subscription to play. Annoying and scummy imo (I hate when games make you overpay for them) but it's one of the best mmos out there to play so the money is kinda worth it. I bought it on sale for mac but I don't have a mac anymore so now I have to wait for another sale to get it for pc sadly.