i dont care that the story might retcon the other games, Pikimin 4 is just a damn masterpiece. the only problem I could really see is its difficulty but I'm not gonna bitch about that, I play games for not and not to grit my teeth at every step. in conclusion yeah this was worth the wait entirely.

this is one of the worst things i have ever played. and yes, i have beaten sonic forces.

its so bad i cannot believe this would be how they ended it

update i just beat the final boss and holy shit

They had the balls to release this the same week as super fucking Mario brothers wonder. For shame

This is one of the best 2d mario games of all time. All of the new ideas are great and the controls are better than ever. The only negative I can see right now are the boss battles getting repetitive.

Coming straight off of 2, this is a big disappointment. Had alot more frustrating moments plus theres so many breaks in the gameplay it irritates me. I dont mind it being all that linear because there are bigger problems to address.


this game makes sonic forces look like the godfather

Aside from the fine controls, this game is mid. The level design sucks and I deleted this immediately after finishing it.

dear god this is one of the worst games ever. the controls feel like shit, the level design sucks, the bosses suck, the final boss is a rehash from sonic colors, the story is so bad, the character arcs are bad. what more is there to say? avoid this game at all cost. save your sanity.


dude i think this is mankind at its peak

Wow, what an awful experience! Almost fell asleep many times at the nothingness that this DLC had to offer. It is like my 35 dollars were wasted on this shitty expansion. Also, they did not bother to address any of the game's bugs.

Such a great foundation for a game. The biggest downside to this game is that it is incredibly short (took me 40 mins to 100% it)

One of my favorite games of all time and it took me over a decade to realize that. Everything about this game is perfect, the gameplay, the story, and the characters especially. I have had such a deep connection with this game ever since I was young. I'm not gonna get into it but I remember playing this during a depressing time in my childhood. I have this game to thank for helping me out while also getting me into other Mario games and RPGs.

bad remake of a great game. a damn shame alphadream went bankrupt after this game came out.

At first RE4 was a game people did not want to be remade due to how great the original one is. This remake improves on the gameplay so much aswell as having great everything else. It is fantastic however it does have some annoying enemies to fight like those goddamn bugs but other than that, true peak. Might be my favorite RE game; it is very closely tied with 2 remake. no I lied I like re2r just a little more