5 Reviews liked by fazty

The Leshy Says: my favorite card battler by a landslide; the soundtrack, the art style, the story, and the gameplay is the perfect amount of everything

Perfect game for Halloween season :) wish i never played this game because now every soulslike feels like shit after playing this lol

i havent finished it but my little brother did which is kinda crazy because he borrowed my copy

he said this a rhythm game

Got filtered in the tutorial cause it was way too long.

game sucks

It's not high-brow art or whatever but it's the primo definition of a "turn your brain off" game. Something you feel like downloading and booting up to kill some time but then see this shit is 95GB despite playing like a 2010 wave shooter because they loaded it up with so many microtransactions it's breaking under its own weight. Still fun but I'm more than moderately concerned about the third one coming up.