156 reviews liked by fev

Tienes una mano de locos nena 😶 pero de locos niña. pero muy de locos. vamos que si te veo en persona diría: joder has robado una mano de locos nena. y pondría esta cara de poker 😶

bro like i wasted two days of my life i need to stop playing this game i got shit to do

The most mindblowing fictional experience of my life

This shit so peak, the only somewhat issue I have is I feel like the epilogue wasn't nearly long enough and feels a little rushed (it was already like 7 hours) but otherwise adored it.

I wish Mio and Sayless were real

using the power of parallel timelines to fuck my stepmom. music provided by stevie wonder trapped on a ym2608

A terrible, amazing game that I hate and can never not think about. What it does good is wonderful, and what it does bad is despicable, and the weight of both is relatively equal. It's fascinating, something that anyone interested in genre needs to play and also something I'd never recommend someone play.

It sucks, and I love it.

liking things ironically never stays ironic very long does it

Goatbed fr made one of the best soundtracks of all time