thank goodness we have the soriku game

Haha I have a very fat brain and these games don't ever affect me!!!!! I don't understand how people are so foolishly attached to digital puppets with only two in-game phrases!!!!1

...Kousetsu Samonji deserves to live happily and in peace tho

No, doctor, I really don't have any idea! I don't know where this arthritis came from. I'm sure being an obstinate dumbass and playing Teo one-handed has nothing to do with it!

I wish I could have a very long pair of arms so I could hug all these people at once

Getting this for free feels like theft.
A bit cliché on a couple of fronts, but BOY does Kokoroten know how to tell a story AND explore twisted relationships and psyches.
And the visuals, effects and music are gorrrrgeous.

I'm going to miss Lemures Blue :(

eh. this feels infodump-ish and (slightly) forceful when the "didactic" part begins. I wouldn't be surprised if it had the opposite effect for the intended public (aka someone who has no idea of these issues, or even opposes them).
the result is positive, as long as it has made one person empathize and understand, but a more careful pace and approach could've been better (imo).

well, and the language Sam and company use feels a bit stiff and... thought to be read? especially with Melissa or Alice. not how I would communicate with friends, at least.

I like the vanilla game, but the Frackin Universe "mod" is on a whole different level, and really makes the difference. I say "mod" because it's so gigantic and lovingly made that it feels like receiving a brand-new game all over again. It disrupts (and improves) the gameplay so much that you have to relearn almost everything from scratch. It really is that complex.
I recommend either installing it early or trying vanilla for a -little- while, but playing it nonetheless.
Even when Starbound as-is was my main comfort game since I first played it, FU is unrivaled. I can spend hours on this thing without noticing.

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the official game of wooing (cute) war criminals (and a guy in a suit)

wish I could've found fun and enjoyment, in these hard times, in something that's not a dumpster fire

The main disclaimer for this one is that the game is kinda bland, and many aspects feel rushed and incomplete. For every good thing you can say, there's that negative or lacking aspect. A shame, but I'm hoping the best stuff will be carried over the next Switch game.
(I'm not taking into account the DLCs, which I'm still playing).

The character/pokemon design is fantastic, as are the scenario/city ones. The places you visit are memorable, and look super nice (thinking, specially, of Ballonlea, Stow-on-side, Circhester, the electric generation tower or the place where Zamazenta and Zacian "sleep"). That's its best trait, I'd say.
For example, I feel like they made an extra effort for the houses to feel populated and "realistic", making them bigger, more decorated and with extra bedrooms/closed doors (accounting for every inhabitant). Those are nice touches, I think.

What I don't think I'll remember is the music, for the most part (except, maybe, the awful one Hulbury has).

Annnd the clearly bad part, for me, is that the story is absolutely predictable and rushed. They chose a more anime-like style of framing the action than ever before (including, but not only, the visual aspect), and it would work way better if it was explored in a longer, more detailed story. What the actual result works like is a few genuinely cool nuggets in a mountain of "eh" ones.
The characters, even when having a strong personality/design, are not developed enough. (I ended up liking them, but that's because I'm weak. Not because they're complex . Others in past Pokémon games weren't that complex either, but I feel like they had a bit more to them than this batch).

(Actually... why does every female character feel so flat? If I had to read a bunch of Nessa, Bea and Marnie's lines without seeing who's speaking, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart).

And the game's very very easy, too... I get it's aimed to young audiences (maybe add an optional, more difficult mode? I'd love that), but I didn't enjoy using purposely weak attacks to give the AI a chance.

Finally: even though the postgame content is not as nearly elaborated as it could be, it gives me more Piers content, something I can really get behind. And old gym leaders' IDs, yay!!!!!

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I can definitely understand this game's absolutely massive impact on the 2000s' anime, doujin and moege visual culture now (that was the point, wasn't it?).

To Heart 2 is a good game: the CGs are gorgeous, the music is relaxing and the characters are inteligently written. That means that most routes are just charming and kinda plain until its final part, where some behaviors and dialogues give the characters a twist, and you perfectly understand their personalities, dreams and so. It's so lovely seeing how the girls' demeanor changes once they open up a bit, too. (I'm thinking of Tamaki, Manaka or Yuma. OR IKUNO, WOAH. Konomi's or Ruuko's routes are more balanced, likeable overall).

But I'm bringing a mini list of complaints/notes here, too, because I spent (lost?) just too many hours of my life reading about these people and I feel like I have enough right to rant.

1. The end of Sasara's route is downright ridiculous. Ma-ryan is probably the best character in the game, but the decision to let the pair run away from their parents and teachers wasn't exactly in accord with her previous actions??? What the hell

2. I love Komaki Manaka. That's it, that's the review

3. The twins' route was following a fascinating approach to polyamory (and incest, I guess, though I don't condone that) RIGHT UNTIL Ilfa showed up. Goddddd I hate her. What a way of making something harem, moe and shallow when everything was being touched with respect and maturity. Ughhhhh.

4. Overall, these characters are a bit more complex than you'd expect, but moe is more powerful than them. Sigh.

5. Oh, and the H scenes are unnecessary, in my opinion. They don't have a bad intention, and they try to be romantic, but a couple of them (Manaka) felt kinda jammed in between dramatic moments. "You're sad? Well, maybe sucking this will make you feel better".

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this is just a quick observation, not necessarily related to the fact that I've enjoyed this game a lot (and that I have a lot of #opinions), but... why are the true ends so rapey and overly sexual? we got it, Takuya can't keep his junk in his pants. but I wanted closure and fluffiness and got the heroines getting clearly pressured to do sexual things they do not feel like doing. Mio, in any case, is the one better equipped to deal with him.
i got to love this game -in spite of the incest stuff-, but this was a bad-tasting way to part. a regrettable decision.